Nature in Harmony
Here is living proof of adult nappies in action

How does our theory hold out in practice? Do others use adult diapers for health, convenience or comfort?

Well here are a few links to show that sometimes nappies are the only option.

Firstly we take a look at links to web forums where independent festival-goers at for example Glastonbury are desperate to find an alternative to those hazchem portaloos.
"Glastonbury on 4 diapers" on efestivals, by Satisfied Customer
More Glastonbury nappies at virtualfestivals, worn by Jondemassey / virtualfestivals
....who goes on to include nappies in his 10 most important things to take
Nappies even at readingfestivalonline, by Jamie1973
Nappies recommended on the BBC Festival forum by Kris, Redditch
What about other areas where diapers are already worn?
Chinese New Year, mainland China - Diapers on crowded trains
..and at the Spring Festival, mainland China - crowded trains again
Even just on Chinese commuter trains
On mountaineering expeditions, obviously - Everest, the North Face
Adult diapers see you through a Caribean Carnival
Workers in diapers because they're not allowed toilet breaks?!?!? - Case 1 factories
Workers in diapers because they're not allowed toilet breaks?!?!? - Case 2 supermarkets
Gamblers wearing diapers so as not to blow a winning streak at the Atlantic City slots
And finally.....Dad's diapers "outed" and justified in USA Today
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