This is the Health and Wellness page of

Nature in Harmony

I am not medically qualified, but can only relate my experience & conclusions. I am an adult who wears and unashamedly uses nappies or diapers for their purpose. I made a considered choice on practical & scientific grounds.

For years I had a painfully severe bowel disorder causing acute IBS, severe pain & sporadic incontinence and desperately took to wearing diapers 24/7 during 2 months of acute suffering. ...Suddenly the complaint was cured. Why?
It is purely biological. . . . . . . I handed my body back to NATURE.

When animals (and we are animals) need to urinate or defecate they do it on impulse; they exercise no control. NATURE has ordained that, for the sake of health, bowel & bladder muscles EXPEL URINE AND FAECES BY DEFAULT. Clearly NATURE has decided that retention of waste is harmful to the body and nothing remains to poison the system. A conscious effort is needed to hold it.
So, what are we doing when we toilet-train children or even pets?  -  We are reversing NATURE's plan.

Suddenly the bladder and sphincter muscles are re-conditioned to RETAIN WASTE BY DEFAULT, with a conscious effort required to expel it.
This breaks NATURE's rules and cannot be good for our health.

In regular peristalsis, your gut digests all the beneficial properties (e.g. vitamins, minerals) from your food and expels the rest (e.g. sugars, fats) more harmful to your health via the colon. But, if you "hold" faeces you can create a tailback, the discarded elements stay in the gut longer and the system re-ingests them.

It is no surprise then that, of all illnesses suffered by humans, the most common are bowel-related, while, in comparison, wild animals rarely suffer bowel disorders. Incidentally, pet animals are famously prone to bowel disorders like their human owners and most unlike their untrained equivqlent, surely a decisive tie-break in this argument. At the same time, humans are more prone to obesity than untrained animals, a by-product surely of the ingestion of excessive sugars and fats caused by the tailback.

IBS is the most obvious outcome, ��and in my case the most easily repaired. Can this work for you?  IBS is an array of symptoms common to a wide range of disorders, so a �cure� is an unproven claim, but there is no doubt that the freedom given by diapers does ease most symptoms.  In particular, the common symptom of constipation is certainly relieved by the gradual easing-out of the offending blockage which, without nappies, would demand several hours sitting on a loo.

One of the main causes of trauma on the colon is outside stress. The toughest organ in that part of the body is the bladder and when it is full it applies great pressure on the bowel causing constriction and twisting. The bowel reacts by producing more gas and bile. Overall it is a most painful episode. The best prevention is to keep the bladder empty but this cannot be done unless there is a toilet (or a commode!) permanently available, .... or a nappy. By regularly emptying the bladder, and I mean considerably more often than the average 7-8 times a day, stress on the bowel can be relaxed. You will eventually shrink your bladder by which time it is (this particular) problem solved.

As an alternative we cannot urinate or defecate in the street. Nor has the faecal catheter been invented yet. So the only solution is for general wearing of diapers to become sociably accepted awaiting an alternative.  That is the basis of my campaign NATURE IN HARMONY and many others have now signed up.

I am not suggesting everyone takes to diapers, rather that the choice should be as acceptable as the choice between boxers & briefs.  For myself, it is a life-saving move, in the sense of life as a meaningful existence.  One of our members had no social life or experience due to fear of the �accidents� that could happen if she went out.  Since she turned to full-time nappy-use, her life has changed and she is always so excited to write to tell me of her latest adventure.  Just her case has made the whole issue worthwhile.  Just remember, it does not work overnight; the peristalsis needs time to adjust.

Can this be the answer to many victims of IBS and other bowel-disorders worldwide? If so, does that mean that most bowel-disorders are self-inflicted? 

If possible. help support our NATURE IN HARMONY campaign for good living and healthy bowels with diapers. There is no payment involved whatsoever, just a little effort by all of us. 
�..Oh, and why NATURE IN HARMONY?  �..Because �HARMONY� from Delipap Oy in Finland is the best quality adult diaper brand on the market.

If you want to join and actively participate in the campaign, go to the MSN link on the home page.

Alternatively, if you prefer the personal touch  -  call or text (0044) 7766 696199  -  or  -  e-mail [email protected]

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