Nature in Harmony - The Gameplan
So what can WE do to further our rights and acceptance in society. How do we fight the prehistoric, numbskulled prejudice that ostracises us as the "queers, niggers, yids and spastics" (perverts, I guess) of current society!

The answer is simply to stand up and be seen!  (No, man, pull your pants back up LOL!)

Have we ever faced that mocking question, "Are you wearing a diaper?" only to answer with a nervous "  n-n-no!"


If someone asked, "Is that a Diamondbacks tee-shirt", you would reply "Yes" regardless of how bad the 2004 season was.  Why, because it's important to you!

Well diapers can never be as bad as a 51-win season!

The correct answer is "Yes!", possibly followed by a casual, perfunctory "What underwear do you wear?"


So here is a simple Q&A routine and I suggest we all follow it.

Q: Are you wearing a diaper?
A: Yes

Q: Bit old for diapers aren't you?
A: Well I seem to be doing it don't I!

Q: Come on, only babies wear diapers!
A: Really, how come they make 'em in my size then?

Q: Are you ill or something?
A1: Yes, I'm incontinent but i'd wear them anyway.
A2: No, but they keep me healthy.
A3: No, I wear them by choice for convenience/comfort.

Q: Are you abnormal?
A: No, diapers are for my body not my mind!

Q: Are you gay then?
A: That's discrimination all round!  We all wore diapers at one time, does that make us all gay?

Q: Are you a pervert?
a: What has a diaper got to do with sex?  You ever tried sex with a diaper on?

Q: Do you piss yourself?
A: Yes,I use diapers for their intended purpose.

Q: Do you shit yourself?
A: Yes, I use diapers for their intended purpose.

Q: Did you know your causing offence?
A: What offence?  I'm fully clothed, so there is no indecent exposure.

Q: You're a bit odd aren't you?
A: No, over 10% of males  in the US for example suffer bedwetting at some time long before old age.

Q: Why don't you wear (boxers/briefa/shorts/panties) like other people?
A: Above all, diapers are comfortable & convenient.  Why don't you try them before criticising?

Do your friends know you wear diapers?  How do they react?
A: Yes, ther are cool about it

Q: Did you know you are offending parents with children?
A: People used to be offended by being black, gay, Jewish or even wearing glasses.  Thats discriminatory and it is they who are the offenders.

Q: What good does it do you?
A: You never have the discomfort of having to hold yourself.  You never have to miss any of a film, game or concert you are watching.  You save about half-an-hour a day of your life from visits to the bathroom.


OK, next stage!

As we are lobbying for acceptance and at the same time promoting diapers as a healthy way of living, we should take this a step further.

We must be open and treat diapers as any other everyday thing.

Where someone else says, "I have to go for a pee!", we say, "I have to go change my diaper!"

Where someone asks, "Where's the toilet, mate?", we reply, "Sorry, don't know; I never use one!"

Where there is no handicapped toilet, we ask the attendant, "Where can I change my diaper, please?"

Where the litter bins are open, we again ask the attendant, "Where can I discard my soiled diaper, please?"

In open-plan sports changing rooms, we ask the attendant, "There are no private cubicles, may I undress to/ take off my diaper in here?"

It is a bit early in the campaign to insist on using baby-changing facilities.  ....AND, we should object to the term "baby-changing"; they should be "diaper-changing" facilities.  After all, who wants to change their baby; they should be happy with the one they've got LOL!


Never be afraid of stripping down to a diaper in a situation where it is normal to strip down to underwear.

Be quite open about sunbathing on a beach in a diaper.  You are not naked.  Anyone who tries to arrest/evict/stop you is miscarrying justice.

Change for sports normally, do not hide your diaper but  do not bring attention to it either.  By all means change a wet diaper there but NEVER a soiled diaper.  It causes offensive odour when removed.


Also. we all carry spares for a quick change, so why not carry a couple extra?  Then we are moving forward!

When challenged we suggest, "Here, why don't you try one for yourself.  You can do it at home where nobody will know.  When you realise the comfor and convenience, then you can comment!


What we must always remember is to keep it clean.  There are simple rules some of which I have already mentioned:

Never exhibit ourselves in a way to FLASH our diapers.  They are simply underwear.

Never change a soiled diaper in a public room, the smell is offensive.

Never wear adult-baby clothes when making a Nature in Harmony stand, it will kill the campaign stone-dead.  Also it is not what we are about.
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Name: Seann Odoms
Email: [email protected]
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