His achievements in helping animals:

  • 1967-Founded The Fund for Animals.
  • 1977-Rescued homeless cat, Polar Bear,
    on a blustery Christmas Eve.
  • 1979-Painted harp seals with harmless,
    organic dye to make their coats
    worthless to furriers.
  • Purchased 1,150-acre Black Beauty Ranch
    in eastern Texas.
  • Began the 4-year rescue
    via dramatic helicopter airlift
    of burros from the Grand Canyon.
  • 1996-Opened the nation's then largest
    spay/neuter clinic in Manhattan.

    Cleveland Amory was an author & a devout animal advocate.
    Beneath that gruff exterior was a heart of gold.
    His last day was at home after a day of work
    at the Fund for Animals, which he founded in 1967.
    He was 81. All the way to the end helping animals.

    Many people know him from the books he wrote.
    "The Cat Who Came For Christmas"(1987, Little Brown)
    is about the little stray white cat,
    Polar Bear, he rescued on Christmas Eve. From there
    he wrote "The Cat & the Curmudgeon"(1990, Little Brown)
    and "The Best Cat Ever"(1993, Little Brown).

    He was also in anti-hunting campaigns against
    the clubbing of baby harp seals in Canada's Magdalene Islands.
    He also saved 575 burros at the Grand Canyon
    slated for extermination by the Grand Canyon National Park Service.
    He took them to Black Beauty Ranch, an animal sanctuary
    he created in East Texas. He wrote a book "Ranch of Dreams"
    telling of the over 600 animals-burros, deer, horses, ostrich,
    elephants, llamas, chimps-which he saved from zoos,
    circuses, federal parks & research labs.

    Mr. Amory now lies buried next to his beloved cat Polar Bear
    at Black Beauty Ranch. The plaque on the cat's monument reads
    "Beneath these stones lie the mortal remains
    of The Cat Who Came For Christmas, Beloved Polar Bear.
    'Til we meet again."

    Here is a link to learn more about Cleveland Amory & The Fund For Animals.

    Known as the girl who married the "cute Beatle",
    Paul, Linda was a prominent crusader for animal rights.
    A strict vegetarian, she produced veggie cookbooks
    & developed & marketed a line of meals that are all-veggie.

    Linda is well known for participating in PETA & was an anti-vivisectionist

    Here are a few links that will inform you on the wonderful work she has done.

    ~Linda Link 1~


    "The mission of IFAW is to promote and ensure the just
    and kind treatment of animals as sentient beings.
    Our mission includes improving the quality of the lives
    of animals and their environment, preserving animals
    from extinction, preventing and abolishing
    animal cruelty and ensuring that the offshore Canadian
    and Norwegian hunt for harp and hood seals
    in the North-West Atlantic is brought to an end."

    Visit the IFAW site to learn more about their mission
    to help animals & their environment

    His achievements in helping animals:

  • 1977-Helped end cat mutilations at
    American Museum of Natural History.
  • July 6, 1978-Founded Animal Rights International.
  • 1979-Organized coalition against Revlon &
    other cosmetics makers to phase
    out Draize test. Later tackled LD50.
  • 1980's-Focused on the billions of food animals in US.
  • 1996-Led USDA to abolish hot face branding of cows.
  • Late 90's-Via Coalition for Non-Violent Food, urged
    McDonald's to form animal welfare division.

    "What gives us the right to violate the bodies
    and minds of other feeling beings?"--Henry Spira

    "Animals Are Not Edibles"--Henry Spira

    "I don't think one can articulate a satisfaction
    with harming another being
    whether it's human or nonhuman."--Henry Spira

    Some people in the humane movement fight for what they
    can relate to in their lives--the cat lovers
    who have cats, dog lovers who have dogs.
    Henry not only fought for the welfare of our animal companions,
    he was committed to end cruelty in whatever form it took.
    He may have never lived with chickens, cattle, pigs
    & other farm animals, but his deep compassion & concern
    for the billions of farm animals which are tortured
    every day was that strong.

    Here is another Henry Spira site to learn
    more about him & his vow to make our planet safer for all species.

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