Choosen to compete in a game full of mental and physical challenges, the 16 complete strangers will have to duel it out to survive.  Racing to their final destination while eliminating others on the way, the only other option  is to win Natural Selection.  How long do you think you could last?

For a deliberated amount of time, a group of 16 strangers will be left in the Brazilian rainforest to race against each other to determine who is strong enough, wise enough, and poswerful enough to defeat his or her components.

While on the island, the strangers will be seperated into traveling parties which will allow the parties to work together and help themselves make it closer to the ultimate challenge, winning Natural Selection.  As a team, they must help each find food and water, take upon different rolls to allow their traveling parties to be successful, and make it to their checkpoints on time. 

The traveling party that reaches their checkpoint last will lose one of their members  at the Relinquish Ceremony.  During the ceremony, the first two traveling parties that made it to the checkpoint first, will only be allowed to vote for one of the loosing parties members to be eliminated.  The third arriving traveling party that reached the checkpoint can't participate in the Relinquish Ceremony.  This means they cannot vote or recieve any votes.

By the end of the game, the final two people will have to race against each other to their final checkpoint.  This will determine the winner.
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