This exercise is a way of practicing intention. Developing intention is a way to survive the chaos that constantly surrounds us.

Begin by practicing Breathing to Center so that your awareness can join your body and mind for a time. When you know that your energy is collected back within you, imagine that you are sitting at the edge of a quiet pond. The water is still, mirroring the sky and pond edge. Near you is a birch tree, its white trunk leaning toward the water. Listen to the birch leaves rattle in a soft breeze. The water surface ripples and small waves splash against the shore at your feet. Look up and notice a leaf falling from the tree. It flips and flutters to the pond's surface and comes to rest. Allow your attention to focus on the leaf. No matter what else happens in the scene, look only at the leaf.

Hold it in the exact position where it landed. Notice it keeps the same color and shape no matter what your mind wants to do with it. If it moves or changes, bring it back to its original form and place. Hold the leaf on the water until it fades from your mind's eye. Bring your attention to the present by taking three deep breaths. Know that whatever problem faces you today, you can hold it steady in your awareness to see it before you choose to take action.


"The Leaf" -- Meditation written by Aliceann Carlton, © 1993, All Rights Reserved.

Drawing by Scott Carlton, © 1993, All Rights Reserved.

From the upcoming book, Moments of Healing, Places of Peace, by Aliceann Carlton and Scott Carlton,

© 1993, 1999 -- All Rights Reserved.

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