Bergamot - Balancing. Uplifting. Tumors. Warts. Sarcoids. Helps to kill airborne bacteria. This essential oil (EO) can be given orally and externally. Must be diluted with a carrier oil or aloe vera gel before use. CAUTION: This essential oil (EO) should NOT be used in direct sunlight - may cause sunburn.

Carrot Seed - Stimulates the healing process. Nourishes cells (useful for cell damage). Helps wounds that won't heal, and internal bleeding. Apply externally in a base oil, to strengthen the hoof. This EO must be diluted well before use.

Roman Chamomile - Calming. Nervous stress that manifests in the skin or stomach. Horses that are prone to stress-related colic, flaky skin, bald patches, Mud Fever, sweet itch, etc. This EO is used externally. Also you must dilute well before use.

Clary Sage - Nervous irritability. Nervous, panicky horses. (Note: Violet Leaf is often a more effective first choice.) This EO is used externally and must be diluted well before use.

Eucalyptus - Infections of the respiratory tract. Helps to destroy airborne bacteria. Opens up the airways. Useful for allergy-related conditions especially when mixed with Great Mugwort. This EO must be used externally and needs to be diluted well before use.

Fennel - Digestive stimulant. Balances female function. Excessive or poor milk flow. This EO must be given orally. CAUTION: possible skin irritant.

Frankincense - Past and present fears. Slows and deepens breathing. Calms coughs, especially if the breathing problem is due to anxiety. This EO must be given externally and needs to be diluted well before use.

Garlic - Immune stimulant. Worms. Blood Thinner. (Use Orally) Lung infection. (Use Orally or externally) Kills airborne bacteria. Mites. (Use externally) This EO must be diluted well before use. CAUTION: possible skin irritant.

Grapefruit - Refreshing. Uplifting. Internally cleansing. Associated with the liver. Helps to break down fats. This EO must be diluted well before use. CAUTION: should NOT be used in direct sunlight - will result in a sunburn.

Jasmine - Helps to distance the mind from worries, fears and commotion. Horses that spend a lot of time stabled, or those that are prone to weaving, often respond to Jasmine. This EO is used externally and must be diluted well before use.

Juniper Berry - Excessive water intake and urination. Diuretic, so aids problems of fluid retention. Helps to clear toxins from the system. (Used Orally). Very effective, externally, for the treatment of arthritis and fluid retention. (Used Externally). This EO must be diluted well before use.

Lavender - Soothing. Calming. Helps prevent scarring. Burns. Wounds. Skin Disorders. Mild Immune stimulant. This EO is applied externally and does not need to be diluted.

Lemon - (Used Orally) Internally helps to break down kidney stones. Immune stimulant. Aids against winter chills. Cleansing. Applied externally, it is uplifting. This EO must be diluted well before use. CAUTION: should NOT be used in direct sunlight - will result in a sunburn.

Great Mugwort - Rich dark blue in color, do not use if clear. Natural anti-histamine therefore useful for the treatment of allergic conditions, COPD, laminitis, skin, etc. This EO is used externally and must be diluted before use.

Neroli (Sometimes called Orange Blossom) - Used for Sadness. Nervous disorders affecting the heart and / or stomach. Loss of companion. Loss of will to get better. Depression. Gives confidence. This EO is used externally and must be diluted before use.

Nutmeg - Influences dream activity. Together with Vetiver it helps to "center" horses with scattered energy. Also for horses that are bargy and difficult to hold back. This EO is used orally and externally. CAUTION: possible skin irritant.

Patchouli - Viral or bacterial urinary infections. Warming and comforting. This EO must be diluted well before use.

Peppermint - Used Externally for aches and sprains (do not use on open wounds). Anti-Inflammatory, ice pack / deep heat effect. Pain killing properties. Stimulates nerve function. Stimulates circulation. Opens up respiratory airways; cleansing and stimulating to the lungs. Mental stimulant. Used orally for digestive stimulant and bowel disorders. CAUTION: This EO MUST BE diluted before use.

Rose - Used externally for Resentment. Anger. Past Trauma. Balances female function. This EO must be diluted before use.

Rosemary - Used orally for stimulating circulation. Cleansing. This EO must be diluted before use.

Sandalwood - Emotionally soothing and relaxing. Throat infections. (Used externally). Strengthens bladder / kidneys. Its use may be indicated by excessive water intake and urination. This EO must be diluted before use.

Seaweed - Strong immune stimulant. Detoxifies. Nourishes the body with a cornucopia of nutrients and minerals. (Can be used orally). May be useful where there is poisoning. (Used Orally). This EO does NOT have to be diluted.

Tea Tree - Natural antibiotic. Antiseptic. Anti-viral. Anti-fungal. Used for insect bites. Thrush. Rain Rot. Ringworm. Bladder / kidney infections, often indicated by excessive water intake and urination. This EO does NOT have to be diluted.

Thyme - Strong antiseptic, only use when Tea Tree has been ineffective. May irritate healthy skin. Very effective in the treatment of severe lung infections. Useful against some types of worms. This EO must be diluted before use. CAUTION: possible skin irritant.

Vetiver - Very grounding, deeply relaxing. Useful for treatments of nervous tension. This EO must be diluted before use.

Violet Leaf - Nervous, unsettled horses that spook easily. Horses that have been moved to a new home or yard. It comforts and strengthens the heart and is used for nervous exhaustion. A very popular oil with many horses. It's aroma resembles that of cut grass and cucumbers. This EO must be diluted before use.

Yarrow - Strong emotional release. Powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, but gentle on the skin. Use on inflamed wounds, irritated skin and inflammation of tissue. Beneficial for itchy skin conditions and insect bites. A useful antidote for an adverse reaction to an essential oil. Urinary infections. (Used externally). This EO does NOT need to be diluted.

Ylang Ylang - Comforting and relaxing. Distances worries, giving carefree feelings. Similar in its properties to Jasmine. Foals and yearlings will very often respond to Ylang Ylang, whereas older horses will more frequently respond to Jasmine. (Used externally) This EO must be diluted before use.

NOTE: All oils listed above may be licked off the hand if the horse chooses to do so.

Essential Oil Reference Chart
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