At 18 I was run over, pedestrian vs car, multiple injuries, gained a lot of weight.  At 20 had a few things happen that are best unmentioned.  Added more weight as a security blanket and due to copious amounts of alcohol to block it all out.  Started to make a few life changes at 21/22 and lost around 7 kg.  Blair & I became a couple at 22.5.  Weight quickly piled on.  At 23, joined WW for first time & lost around 6kg.  Put 6kg back on + another 7kg for good measure.  At 25 did livercleansing diet, lost 6kg, gained campylobacter and was hospitalised for 4 days.  Put me off Liver Cleansing Diet & consequently weight came back (x2).  Have started losing again but determined not to add back double what I lose again this time.
The Best Weight!! 61kg
I was 18 here. Crazily I was very self concious at this weight and used to be scared to be seen in a bathing suit.  If I looked like this again I would walk around nude shouting look at me!  Silly how we are worried about our weight no matter what it is?
About 82kg here. 22 years old. Excuse the silly pose but was in a group photo with heaps of young 'uns and trying to be cool. (unfortunately didn't really work).  Although overweight was still quite fit and healthy here and had never even thought about dieting.
The Damage Starts.  96kg here on Peta's first birthday and a month after my 24th. This photo is about 20months after the 82kg one.  Still didn't think about dieting, just started to feel down.  Had been with Blair for around 6months at this stage and have put on around 16kg in those 6months. Some say it is because you are relaxed and happy but I don't believe that.  This was my first serious live in relationship and I was always worried that it wouldn't work out.  Sure way to keep a man, Jules, eat like there's no tomorrow!! At this point the weight was really "weighing" me down. He he.  Very hard to handle the heat.
106kg!! Christmas 2001.
I was 26/27 here.  Had put everything lost at WW back on x 2. Why is it that the body can help you lose weight and then always sends you back up double!  Must have something to do with the whole "I'm Starving As Soon As I Get More Food I Will Store It As Fat" theory. Very uncomfortable at this weight.  Note how photo has children strategically placed in front of me.
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