John Boy

     I got to tell you something, got to tell it  right now!  John Boy was the slave who use to milk that cow.  I remember when he was just an itty bitty.
Mouth drippin wet from his mama's milky milky

     Mastuh walked in and snatched her a-way!
Said hexing my food, you getting hung to-day
John Boy didn't cry looked mastuh in the eye
Until the milk crusted up on his face and dryed

     Willy, from Bungalow 2,  said John Boy set us free...5 years later when he learned his abcs.

     He and Mastuh's son Jake usetah play dis marble game.  But Jake didn't want John Boy to be up on his team.  But hey, John Boy was so good he had every swirly design! Collected po boys marbles without even trying.

     So he got together with Jakes friend, Spanky.
Whose game was so bad, his marble count was lost to 3!  But Spanky wasn't afraid to have John Boy on his team.  While John Boy, ya see,  had something else up his sleeve.

     He told Spanky "Every time I win a game, got to teach me abcs, so I can learn ta write my name.

     Spanky said "Un uhn!  Thats against the law!  If my maw and paw found out, they'd beat my bottom raw!"

      "Well then," said John Boy, "You can be a winner or a loser. ...If you put me on your team, you will never have to choose one!"
     "Oh, alright!" said Spanky, "I'm a give you this book and you can hold it...and if anybody finds out, I'm a say you stole it!"

    "Its a deal!" said John Boy, as their hands shook.  John Boy found his ticket to freedom in that little book!

     He studied that abc book and learned it so fast!
He was too busy to tell the elders, they all found out last.  They found John Boy over there, hiding by a tree.  Peeking at that book, tucked between his knobby knees. 

     They snuck up on that boy to threaten his youthful life.  Willy held him down as Paul scraped him with a knife.  Sam held that paper and said you will never see another day...if you don't read this here paper, and tell us what it say!

     John Boy got so nervous, he didn't know what to do...He thought either way it goes, I know I am through!  I can't read that good yet and they gonna kill me for trying.  And if I make the story up, they gonna kill me for lying.

       John Boy opened his eyes ready for his death wish.  As his eyes read the words...a-bo- li-tionist?
He read more and more, some words were too big to read.  According to this paper, they were already freed!

     Free? Asked the elders, looking around in despair.  They said," Well if we's free, then what are we doing here?

     John Boy was writing travel passes in a week.  In a month, they were chilling in the big city.  In a year, the elders were retiring from all that income produced by John Boy's book, called
Marbles and Freedom!

The End.

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