
Edenwater is now accepting submissions of fiction, prose, poetry, art, and photography. Topics can include naturism, wholistic living, alternative healing, or general spiritual topics.
Fiction - Fiction should be short (2000 - 4000 words), complete (no serializations) and original.
Prose - Prose should be short (2000 - 4000 words), complete (no serializations), original, and well-researched. Please attribute all sources.
Art and Photography - Art and photography should be clear and original. Black and white is prefered. All photography must include model release forms.
Poetry - Poetry should fit on one page.
Please direct all inquiries to:

[email protected]
You can also find some cartoons here.

Some Links

The Wilsonville Nudist

DargonZine DargonZine is a noncommercial electronic magazine (ISSN 1080-9910) that prints original medieval fantasy stories written by aspiring Internet writers. It is the publication vehicle of the Dargon Project, a collaborative writing group where authors write in a common milieu, sharing settings and characters. The project was founded to allow aspiring writers on the Internet to meet and become better writers through mutual contact and collaboration. DargonZine only prints stories which take place in this setting. DargonZine is the successor of FSFnet, which was the Dargon Project's original magazine. Between FSFnet and DargonZine, we have been continually producing collaborative fantasy fiction since 1985 and are the longest-running electronic magazine on the Internet.

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