Lt. Tyrone Ryder

"You're rash Tyrone, but you ain't stupid..."
                              -Kahlia, Tyrone's mother

Statistics | Personality | History | Blade Collection | The Joke That Caused Tyrone's Scar

Age: 23

Height: 6'1" (But he thinks he's taller)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Physical Description:

       Athletic build. Shoulder length jet-black hair that he sometimes wears in a pony tail (depending on his mood). Dark brown eyes. Nasty scar across his right cheek. Some like to describe him as ruggedly handsome. He likes to describe himself as divinely beautiful.
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       Rash and hot headed as everyone he encounters describes him. He fears almost nothing (at least he pretends to), except magic. Tyrone has had magic phobia for as long as he could remember. He'll always be ready to jump from the rooftop of a building if there was even a tiny chance of him catching the ledge of another one, but twenty wild horses couldn't drag him into a mage's house (twenty one could eventually do it, but he'll fight them like a wild cat).

His passion is for blades and swordsmanship. Along his adventures he has acquired four swords and Diana-knows how many daggers. He's also been known to show great interest in the female side of his species, espicially beautiful ones. Too bad they don't pay much attention to him.
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       Born to a lower class family in the slums of Prime, Tyrone nonetheless had a very happy childhood. To his father's frustration Tyrone never showed much interest in his father's profession, leather tanning. Tyrone's ambitions and hopes were actually to be motivated by his mother's fairytales. As long as he could remember, his mother's fairytales and legends of yore had held him captivated and helped shape his personality. His ambition was to become a legendary warrior like the ones in his mother's tales. He also gained his deep fear of magic.

When Tyrone reached the age of 20, his parents were killed at the hand of highwaymen. Tyrone's once perfect life shattered and he drifted aimlessly through the next few years. He became a known troublemaker (he got the scar from a dwarf who couldn't take a joke) and muscle for hire. Until one day he saw a recruitment poster for the Natura Guard. The poster seemed to beckon him. Perhaps there is hope for him yet. Perhaps it lay somewhere else other than Prime. Always acting on the spur of the moment, Tyrone packed his meagre belongings and left for Natura.

Along the way he met many friends and faced many adventures. An incident with hungry wolves awarded him the self-titled name of Mr. Wolf Food, as his closest friends jokingly know him. But most importantly, he met an elven ranger in training named Sparx. Reminding him of his beloved mother, he instantly became fond of the beautiful she-elf. As time passed and mutual moments were experienced, he found himself falling in love (To his great embarrassment!)

True to his intentions, Tyrone joined the Natura Guard. His new job seemed boring as nothing happened in the quiet township of Natura. An encounter with a magical monster in the Tower of Magicks changed all that. In that incident, with the help of Sparx, he was able to defeat his fear of magic and save the tower's retainer Franchesca from certain doom at the paws of her pet cat, magically transformed into a demon-like katta. Today, the katta's head hangs proudly over his desk. Through that deed (and other too-boring-to-mention accomplishments) Tyrone was eventually promoted to lieutenant. When Captain Halverson, commander of the Guard, left abruptly, he was given command of the regiment.

These days, he occasionally takes a break from his post and goes traveling to a nearby city, where he challenges its best swordsmen for a friendly duel, in an effort to improve his swordsmanship and realize another one of his dreams. To become Alleria's top swordsman.
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Tyrone's Blade Collection

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The Joke that Caused Tyrone's Scar

       A dwarf was walking through the desert back to his mine one day when he found a sealed bottle on the road. Curious, the dwarf picked up the bottle and opened it. Smoke spewed from the bottle and eventually a genie appeared. He had been prisoner in the bottle for 5000 years, and to show his gratitude to the dwarf he offered to fulfill three wishes.

       "I'd like a purse that is perpetually filled with gold!" asked the dwarf.

       "That's easy!" replied the genie and with a small cloud of colored smoke, a purse appeared in front of the dwarf.

       The dwarf opened the purse and found it full of gold coins. He dumped all the gold from the purse and looked in it again. It was still full of gold. He continued dumping the gold in the sands, but the purse was always full when he looked into it again. Soon the desert sands were full of gold coins as the dwarf continued his experimentation.

       "Master." Said the genie, "You still have two wishes left!"

       "Aye! Right you are." The dwarf replied, and after a moment of thought he said: "I'd like two more of these for meself."
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