The Natura Homepage

The Natura Coat of Arms

��������Serale and welcome to the Natura homepage! Natura is a fictional city in the fantasy realm of The Allerian Empire. Alleria is a high fantasy, free-form, online RPG that is populated with hundereds of unique PCs (Player Characters) and NPCs (Non Player Characters). The game is played via a play-by-post system that uses UBB boards. Each bulletin board represents a playing area, usually a city. This page is dedicated to the board representing the city of Natura and its denzines.

Natura is part of the Administrate of Centripax. It is located roughly west of the province and south of the mountains. Surrounded by woods, Natura is famous for its forests, gardens and natural splendor. It has very strong elven heritage that can be seen in many of its older buildings and other special locations. Now, it is populated by citizens of all races, living in harmony alongside each other. Natura is also famous as a city of rangers and druids. Click here for a map of Centripax.

Updates 16-12-2000
Added the map of Natura. Finally! Also added AGMs Mel and Avatar.

Updates 6-12-2000
The long awaited revival of the homepage. Expect more to come. :)

Updates 9-8-2000
Change of GM. Added the School of Spell Song. Also, some character changes.

Updates 4-8-2000
Added a link to the official homepage of Zerdargia.

Updates 26-7-2000:
Added links to the official pages of Medonia, Trisfal and Acumin.

Updates 25-7-2000:
Added a link to Sparx's bio and Ranger Hall page.
Mariana's name fixed (Sorry about the mispelling!)

Still Under Construction!

Last Update 16 DEC 2000
Maintained by The M-Man. Please report anything you see amiss to him, and he'll try to fix it (hopefully)
Copyright � 2000, The Alleria Company
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