Alexandra is a 12 year old girl from Fredricksburg Virginia. She is in the 7th grade and going to Walker-Grant Milddle school.I used to live there (In Fredricksburg) but I had to move to Texas. She was one of my many best friends but she has that one in a million personality.  She has a 7 year old brother we all call Hunzie. She lives mainly with her mother.  Her grandmother has a swimming pool at her house.  That led to one thing I'll never forget. See... I went to her house to go swimming and after we got out of the pool we sat on the hammock to talk.  I'll never get on one again. All of a sudden the hammock slipped out from under me and  I fell off and my head hit the bricks.  I had to get 4 stitches. Ouch!  My head still hurts every time I pull on a hair.  Oh well. At least the gash has healed.  Alex is a diabetic type one.  She has to take insulin by shot.Yuck!
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