All About Us
Her trousers are always falling down because she always gets the wrong size and WON'T WEAR A BELT! Collects hairballs on her hairbrush cos she never 'empties' it.  Lives on a farm (with chickens, horses, ducks etc AND a tractor!) but is not really a farmer.....*ahem* Dislikes just about every film she sees at the cinema. Goes back on the slopes after shes dislocated her knee, even though the doctor told her not to! Can drink anyone under the table....NOT! Hardcore schnapps boozer. 'Jungle Girl.' Teaches year 9's how to jump about on the trampoline. Loves skiing intructors. Has her boyfriend wrapped around her little finger.

LIKES: watersports, hockey,MARMITE. Kelly Jones, Ash, Chilli Peppers, Stereophonics, Halifax (erm...more like HALLAS!), oh and DAMIAN of course......
DISLIKES: physics, weaver fish, the word 'cuticles', people when they belch the alphabet, bitchiness
Is 17 years old. Has a clear brace. Constantly says thats she's gonna "stuff her face" then wonders why she feels sick. Can eat 10 doughnuts in a row then 17 shortcake biscuits then a whole cow. Has a very high metabolic rate (beanpole) Oh how one day i wish she would wake up as fat as a mama chunka! Owns the longest scarf eva created by man. Also this stupid punk off Hollyoaks copied her, tut tut! DOUGHNUT GIRL. OINK!

LIKES: laughing, doughnuts, Monty Python, Rollercoasters, The Simpsons, Blink 182, Travis & Coldplay, Lord of the Rings
DISLIKES: Baked Beans, arguments, maths, long distance running, computers that get cacked, smoke
@ School

Well, we both go to a school called Ryde High and the Island schools are very different to the mainlanders.
1.)  We dont have to take 11+ to get into any high schools!
2.) We don't have secondary schools, we have middle and high.
3.) High school starts in year 9.
There are 6 high schools on the island, (WOWEY!) Our school is quite renowned actually, 26 teachers left last year! haha! Good rep. Our school isn't that bad really, it even has its own radio station! (ER...its wonderful too!)
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