Geology Trip to IRELAND!
Ah the Geology Trip.....and what a great trip it was.....a week in a little town called Fethard in Southern Wexford. Just in case anyone didn't know, we went with the Geology class from Sandown High School.
This photo was taken on the boat trip over to Ireland. Its the Ryde group, with a few random rugby people in the background.
This is our room, I became rather attatched to it as the week went on.....awww.....
Nat and Callum on the beach, with Nick in the background.
That is SHOCKING Callum, how rude! And Jason....well I really don't know what he's doing here.
"I think 5 aftershocks is a bit much, Bryan."

"They're not all for me."

"Oh well, I'll just go and tell the teachers anyway, and  the barman and stop you all from having fun *er, rhhhuumm I mean spirits*

BARMAN: "Anyone up for a nice mint-n'-lime Banshee?

The hotel's very own pub, and jolly good it was too until they stopped serving us spirits.
Callum being 'born' out of a cupboard! It was one of those moments where you had to be there though.
Nick having all his hair shaved off, on the last night. Glen is pictured here, although the finished effect was the result of a team effort!
Two words: Jason and Destroyed. Hahaha! At request from Evs I will also mention that he was wrecked after 2 pints!
Group pic, awwww!
Han, Callum and Nat on the roof!
Group pic of everybody on the trip, at er, some beach or other.
This is John Hammond, Richard Attenborough, erm, Chris Cringle. A man with many names, and but one aim: to build

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