









Special thanx to my friend Matt, who I have known since preschool and who really knows his cereals.











[email protected]


A guide to the staple diet of college students everywhere



Cereal. We all eat it. Cereal is good for any time of the day. It is the staple diet of every college student. Eating cereal can satisfy three of the four food groups.

Here's an example:
The cereal itself already satisfies the bread group because it is all made of oats. The milk satisfies the dairy group. If the cereal being eaten is Fruit Loops that's a pretty healthy breakfast.
This paper is a dissertation of the food of a culture. My hope is to help you in your quest to curb your hunger and hopefully introduce you to some tricks of the trade.


Cereals to put you in the mood

At any time there should be at least four different kinds of cereal in the cabinet. As people we can go through several different moods throughout the day. To live a healthy, reduced-stress lifestyle, we should have enough cereals to accommodate several different moods or purposes.

Sugar cereals, such as Count Chocula or Fruity Pebbles, can give you a quick wake up for days when you need to be on the go quick. Sugar cereals can be an excellent choice for consumption on days of a Mid-term. However, if you have a very active day coming up, you may want a cereal that will provide for a sustaining energy.

Cereals that consist mostly of complex carbohydrates rather than sugars (simple carbos) will offer a more sustained energy to keep you going longer through the day. Cereals such as Grape-Nuts or Cherrios are an excellent example of this type of cereal.

For days when you are not sure what kind of day you may getting yourself into, adding fruit to the meal by chopping a banana or simply by pouring bowl of Raisin Bran can offer sustained energy while the sugars or the fruit will give you an initial kick.

Cereals with a larger mix of foodstuffs can add much to the menu. Cranberry Almond Crunch, with its fruit and nuts, is a well-rounded meal for just about any occasion.

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