Though Many of you may be wondering why my parents chose Seafoam for a name name.  Lets just say.  It suits me.  I am Seafoam of DarkHeart.  My mother originaly of the clan Driftwood, and my father, the clan Elf.  My name at birth was Seafoam Elf.  My birth mother Whitecap Driftwood, was of the fae from the sea.  My Father Bayleaf Elf, of the woods.  As my father was walking along the shore of the sea, my mother appeared swimming to the shore.  It was love at first sight.  My parents Fell in love, but were never married.  As my mother's kind did not approve of my father's kind, and vise versa.  as a child until the age of ten, in the winter, I lived with my mother during the harsh winters, learning to survive and live with in the sea, and of the healing arts that must come from the sea.  During the summer months,  I would live in the woods with my father, learning the arts of healing from the forest.  At about sixteen years of age, my parents were killed, a group of pirates came along and found them in their secret cove.  The pirates set upon them killing them instantly.   
Upon my parents death, I learned that I had a sister, Sorceress.  She was my father's daughter, and the daughter of a woman of a neighboring village.  I set off on a quest to find my older sister, Sorceress Elf. *later to become Katiana Darkheart. (but that is her story to tell.)  Upon locating my sister, I had discovered her newly married.  and I did not want to live in the same house as a newly wed couple.. for obvious reasons of course.  I lived on my own for a while, until meeting up with a woman of a neighboring family.  Her name was Avasa of Ravenloft.  She and her husband took me in and treated me as one of thier own.  Her Children adopted me as a sister, and I eventually was adopted by their family.  I then became Seafoam Elf of Ravenloft.  My sister and I became closer.  By the time I turned eighteen, the family of Ravenloft seemed to be spiltting up.  As there were many more fights between neiboring families at this time.  My Uncle Garnet of DeLioncourt took me under his wing, while my mother settled her family differences.  As the wars seemed to be getting more rampid, the Delioncourts seemed to disappear, until there were very few of us left.  At that time, the few that were left of us, split up and went our own seperate ways.  My sister's marriage seemed to falter, as her husband had disappeared during the war.  About that time I met a man named Darian of DarkHeart.  I got to know this Darian, and met his family.  His father Darius, A great booming voice of a man.  With his temprement, you would almost think he was a dwarf.  But alas he was not.  There was also Grifen, who later became my uncle, a kind soul, just dinna piss him off.  And of course I canna forget Lady White Craven, who was like an aunt to me.  This Man Darian became a good friend, until his untimely death.  (May he rest in peace)  About this time, out of the kindness of Darius's heart, He took me in, Also wedding my sister, and became a father that I never really had.  Now as a grown and aged woman, I am not married, but I have 4 Children.  Anastasia, Kelliana,  Who are grown and have childer of their own.  and My Sons Aaradan, and Marqus.  I Live with my son Aaradan, as he has chosen to live with me.  My Son, Marqus with his father, as he is young, and still needs his father to teach him the ways of men.  I live in a cabin out in the woods, near a stream.  So I can live where the earth and water meet.  Living my life as a Healer.  Healing people who are  hurt or wounded or in need.
The woman behind the character.
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