Terms of Use

Many pictures on this site come from other sources, mainly the real estate firms that market the shopping centers where these stores or located, or the actual stores themselves. I give credit and link to each source of my pictures. If you wish to use these pictures, please give credit and link to the sites as I have. However, any pictures without a credited source have been taken by me. Please do NOT use any of my pictures without getting permission first. This is a hobby of mine and does involve my spare time as well as some money. I am happy to let you use my own pictures, provided you have my permission. I will ask you for permission to use your pictures; please show me the same courtesy. Thank you -- I appreciate it.

Some of the information on the stores (such as size, store number, etc.) comes from various sources on the Internet - some of this information is constantly changing. As I search websites and search engines, I sometimes come up with new information. Any significant information, such as information from a newspaper, will be cited - this is information that is not likely to change (and is easier to cite).

As a result of a major site upgrade in January, 2009, most of the photos on the site have been removed. There are two reasons for this. First, since this site is free and ad-supported, most of the photos took up valuable storage space. By decreasing the amount of uploaded files, you, the user, will hopefully not experience any problems navigating the site (i.e. the site exceeding bandwith). Photos were also removed due to abuse. In browsing websites for information, I came across photos (mine as well as those from other sites) used improperly (not cited). While I do not like my own personal photos being abused, I certainly do not approve of photos from other sites being abused, especially when I cite them myself and ask the same courtesy of the visitors to my site.

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