Arizona Native American Caucus
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Bad Eagle
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Welcome to the Arizona Native American Republican Caucus Home Page!!!

The ANARC is currently being formed by Native Americans throughout a charter member in one of the only Native American Republican caucuses in the United States!

The mission of the ANARC is to provide current and accurate information to our tribal and urban Indian communities on the Republican agenda, candidates and other important issues that may affect our Indian communities.

The ANARC is also committed to providing correct and factual information to our elected officials regarding Native American culture, sovereignty and issues.

Currently the ANARC is in the process of organizing and developing a membership a part of the only formal Native American Republican groups in the United States!

For more information please email ANARC at:
[email protected]

ANARC also needs your help! Please send me your thoughts on how to grow and strengthen this caucus and how we can get the word out. Over time I will also be adding a forum for discussion.

Finally...frustrated with the party? Here is your chance to provide input on how to rebuild the party:

Don't forget to sign the guest book!

More soon!

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