The Basics That Make Me, me
    Heylo, as you can see by my banner, my name is Sohalia, it's not my real name, but that's what I'll be known as for future references.  First of all, I'm sixteen years old, Junior year coming up, and I'm really excited about that.  I was born on the cusp of February, meaning I have two zodiacs.  I'm Aquarius and Pisces, my birthday is the nineteenth and it's my time to shine like i'm a shrine!
     I was born in New York City, New York, to Elizabeth and William.  My mum is African-American/English & Irish, and my dad is African-American and Seminole Indian.  So I'm a pretty mixture.  Religion is a very big part of my life and I have someone to thank for that.
     I moved to Key West, Florida when I was eight, but then I moved here, to Columbia, South Carolina, when I was 14, almost two years ago.  I'm 5'10", and I weigh probably 130-135.  I like to be active, I can't stand not keeping myself busy, because then I don't feel fulfilled.
My Family
    Okay, now this gets a bit complicated so you have to pay attention.  My eldest brother is William (whom I call Billy) and he's 32.  He's got a girlfriend (my sister in law Tara) and they have a daughter, Tasha, 16, and William, he's three.  Billy's in school to be a Football Coach for High School kids, so I'm happy for him cause I know he loves him some fooseball.  They're out in California.  Then there is Darrell (whom i call Champ), and he's 26.  He has no kids, no girlfriend, he has an education though.  He's working for 8 years for his degree in medicine, and I'm extremely proud of him.  My mother gave birth to the both of us.  Then there is Stuart, he's 24, and he's married to my sister in law Eryn, and she's expecting, but I have no idea when because no one will tell me anything... HINT HINT.  Stuart's in the Marines and he lives out in California too.  Stuart and Billy are my dads sons from a previous marriage, and Champ is my moms son from a previous relationship.  Then to my younger brothers we have Alex, who has been raised with my family, he's 14, and he's very smart, takes college classes, knows a couple foreign languages.  He's very dear to me, and I'm VERY protective of him, because he's been hurt one too many times.  Then there is Petey, he's ten, Thomas is eight, and Marvin is eight months.  Those are my step mom and mi Marvin's(as I call him) kids.  Petey is growing up rather too quick for me, but i'll get over it.  He's pretty mature for his age, and hes a great help to my step mother and Marvin.  Thomas is a brat, but he's eight and a boy so I really expect it from him because Petey was the same way.  I'm still close to him though, he's a sweet heart.  Any eight year old girl would want to seriously eat him up cause he has the most most precious face.  Then last but surely not least, there is Marvin (click his name to see a pic of him).  He's only eight months old, andthe best baby in the world.  I love holdng him, we bond.  He knows I'm the sister, don't you pookie?  I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!
              I'm religious to the extent that it is in my values, my morals and anythng and everything that I do, and I could not live a fulfilled and happy life without it.  I believe that I have God in my heart, and that is the most important thing because he gives me my strength, that I so do need, and he steers my direction in every right turn that I take in my life.  I believe any bad turns I take, our due to my own irresponsibility.  I try and think before I speak because I'm not too nice when I don't.  I have a few best friends, the ones that stuck around when no one else did.  Kyte, who is my angel and is gorgeous both inside and out.  Cristina is a precious gem and not one could ever be made anything like her.  Laura, she is truely unique, and I am very pleased by the woman she is becoming.  April and Alex, are my friends, and my inspirations through dance, they're always there to give me a shove.  Torah is as delightful as everyone else but in many ways is different, and if you know her, you instantly will connect to her for eternity.  Jennifer was there for one of the hardest times in my life, and shes sweet as anything and gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy, Quan.  Evelyn, girl you know I love you're asian butt you better never change!  Julius, ahhh... this is a new beginning for the both of us, and I'm really excited.  Mr. Cedric, you know I love you.  change does come though.  Mommy I can't imagine my life without you and everytime I try to I do indeed cry.  Two nights ago I pictured life without you and I broke down.  Damain, you're seriously the wind beneath my wings.  You have held me up so many times & when I didn't have anything else to hold onto, you let me hold you.  *I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as you're living, my baby you'll be*
To all of you, I will always be here regardless of anything.  I may have just cussed you out but you CAN call me and you better if you ever need anything, because you're all the wind beneath my wings.
My Spiritual life/Relationships
MoOn GlOw
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