             Hey peeps, what's up?  This is Sohalia, and right here, you meet your destiny, one of my favorite sports, CHEERLEADING!  Knock 'em down, throw 'em around, come on defense work!  WORK!  WOOH!  It's all about team spirit, hard work, and                       overall, fun!  Cheerleaders get to look good have fun, and stay in the best shape.                             

                People think cheerleading  ISN'T demanding, and that cheerleaders are just a bunch of pretty (sometimes :) ) stuck up snobs, but cheerleading is no game.  We have stunts that are extremely dangerous, and we have to stay in great shape!  I mean we jump around constantly.  I've found these links and hope they're really helpful to you.  Email me and let me know if anyone is going to cheer camp this summer or any other good, or bad news.  I'm always here girls!  Byee!
BaCk To MoOn GlOw
*If you're an AOL member go to keyword cheer or cheerleading and it has great links and information, or just click on the channel "sports"!
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