God, Fox's reality T.V SUCKS
You ever flipped on the T.V. finding yourself watching some shitty  Reality T.V Show?  Most of the shitty reality shows is from Fox. Ah fox lets just review HOW shitty fox is... They Love Bill O Riley, Their "Far and balanced" News is never talking about kerry, except his "war record", and they got rid of Star Trek DS9. Fox not only has Dip Shit producers they have dip shit shows. for example "Trading spouses" this show Takes a black nice family and forces them to live with some bitchy white lady. I wounder How they come up with this?
The only things fox did were good was. Family Guy,Simpsons,and Futurama. I have a GREAT Idea for reality T.V. It is called Shitty network were we take a christian fuck tard republican and make him head of Fox, and he can even be related to bush. OH WAIT THATS ALREADY FOX! STUPID ME!
If by now you don't hate fox you most likely don't like me or spiderman... 

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