Show how HARDCORE you are by Supporting the Cofederate Flag!
Alright so i was in my Com Arts class, and we were listing to another lecture. When the person sitting next to me gets his binder out. On the cover of his binder he had a Confrederate flag and some retarded quote, I think it was "I'ts Not a red neck thing" Then under the flag it said "It is the right thang" and yes  THANG was in there, it was not my awful spelling!. Like slavery IS THE RIGHT THANG.... Holy shit, do they even understand what the flag is all about? Lets review what the flag looks like and a little facts......
This is the Confederate Flag. This flag shows 13 stars, and was the confederate's symbol. This flag reprents Slavery, white supremacy, and complete stupidity. Those states who marched under it was defeated by the yankees(the rest of the us) In a war that lasted 4 years 1861-1865. 3 million fought, 6000,000 died.
The flag is still honord by quite a few White americans, who Love to hate black people. These same americnas love to come home to the smell of fried chicked, and to kiss their mother/sister on the lips. (bad bad comment!) If you or anyone you know love this flag... SMACK THEM......HARD... Because anyone who loves this flag is a dipshit and should be tossed into a pit of red ants!

3,532: people have been smacked.. HARD

2004 shadow Snake (chris nation)
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