Can you be a foster home? Please e-mail us.
Foster homes can be arranged!
Kim Gibson
Aqua Tiki Pets, (Fort Bragg)
MCReptileRescue (Fort Bragg)
Dianne Flagg (San Jose)
Pete Marshall (Hayward)
Michelle (Cressent City)
Angel (Los Angeles)

California Reptorium (Eureka)
Neal Blanney (Fort Bragg)
Daniel Beaumont (Covina)
K.M.F.B. Radio Station (Fort Bragg)
Manny's Reptiles
Jodi Lutz
Amanda (Salem)
Gregg Ritchie
Dean Coates
Jason Ardenyi
Do you foster reptiles already?
With us NO MATER WHAT they might be!
We have several pages all linked up within this website.
If there is a subject you would like us to address specificly Please let us know. 

Please help us spread the following links! Advertise the links FAR & WIDE!
you have our permission!  The next links are to our message boards,
and you also have permission to advertise the links, far and wide.

It is not our intention to compete with any other organization ~
we simply wish to extend the  collective  information on reptiles & amphibians,
along with the specifics of their needs, to see that reptiles that have out grown their
owners are placed into new situations that better suit the animals needs.
That lost pets might have a second chance at getting back to their owner,
and to help out in emergency situations.
The point is to educate first, so less emergencies happen.
Perhaps less people will get a reptile as a pet,that would out grow their
needs.,and find a better suited critter for them in the first place.
What ever we can do to help each other understand & respect the animal we have chosen to be our pet.
What ever type of reptile you end up with, will depend on you for all it's comforts, and well being.
If we all gather together, and pool our learnings, & links, and offer to keep your eyes peeled for
reptiles in a situation that could get better IF only they knew!.......
You can help by standing up, and telling what you know, to better the situation.
Reptiles have crept into our lives.......
but knowing how to care for them, is IMPORTANT!

Please join us! To become a member,
Send $35.00 along with your name, address, and phone #
to Lisa Chiapero, P.o. Box 2533 Fort Bragg, Ca., 95437

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