"Bara hon älskar mig" - Blond

"If only she loves me, I'll have the angel the whole of heaven misses"

The Swedish Final was held on March 8th in Gothenburg, hosted by Jan Ringryd.  The winner was chosen by regional juries.

1 Nu idag Now today Monia Sjöström 11 11th
2 Nattens änglar Angels of the night Photogenique 0 12th
3 Hand i hand Hand in hand Robert Randqvist 55 5th
4 Där en ängel hälsat på Where an angel has been N-Mix 68 2nd
5 Charlie Charlie Jim Jidhed 12 10th
6 World Wide Web World Wide Web Nick Borgen 26 9th
7 Jag saknar dig, jag saknar dig I miss you, I miss you Andreas Lundstedt 32 7th
8 En gång ska han gråta Once he will cry Garmarna 28 8th
9 Jag skall aldrig lämna dig I will never leave you B.I.G 40 6th
10 Missarna The mistakes Wille Craaford 65 3rd
11 Du gör mig hel igen You complete me again Cajsalisa Ejemyr 56 4th
12 Bara hon älskar mig If only she loves me Blond 80 1st

Blond came 14th at the Eurovision. The lead singer of N-Mix was Pernille Emme who had been a backing singer for Norway in the 1990 Eurovision.



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