"Oj, oj, oj så glad jeg skal bli" - Kirsti Sparboe

"Wow, wow, wow how happy I'll be, when he no longer has someone else on the side"

The Norwegian Final was held on March 1st at the NRK TV Studios in Oslo, hosted by Janka Polyani.  The winning song was chosen by the votes of 10 regional juries.

1 Friaren The proposer Vigdis Mostred 4 5th=
2 BM. "Fordomsfri" Apply Box "Unprejudiced" Elisabeth Grannemann 5 3rd=
3 Oj, oj, oj så glad jeg skal bli Wow, wow, wow how happy I'll be Kirsti Sparboe 18 1st
4 Eventyr Fairytales Inger-Lise Andersen 1 9th
5 Juksemaker pipelort Cheater Lill-Babs 0 10th
6 Sangen om den flygende Hollender The song about the flying Dutchman Per Müller 4 5th=
7 La meg sove Let me sleep Lillian Askeland 5 3rd=
8 Om du går på en strand If you walk on a beach Jan Høiland 2 7th=
9 Viddu ha tjangs If you want a chance Stein Ingebrigtsen 2 7th=
10 Lena Lena Odd Børre 9 2nd

Kirsti Sparboe had already represented Norway in 1965 and 1967. She also took part in the 1966 and 1968 Norwegian Finals. At the Eurovision she came 16th.  Lill-Babs had represented Sweden in 1961, while Odd Børre represented Norway in 1968.



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