Mount Buffalo

The bestest place in the world!

Ok, OK, so there is no such word as bestest, but you'd believe me if you went to Mt Buffalo! It is my favourite place.

Where is Mount Buffalo?

Mt Buffalo is located in the north east of the state of Victoria in Australia. It is around four hours drive from Melbourne and a long drive from Sydney. One day I may provide you with a map, but instead I'll find a web link to illustrate my point, when I find the current link.

What is Mount Buffalo?

Mt Buffalo is a granite plateau that forms an outlier of the Great Dividing Range (the GDR bisects Victoria and runs up the eastern seaboard of Australia, through New South Wales and Queensland). Mt Buffalo's highest point is 1723m (I had better check that...), so technically, it is below the treeline. However, due to the vagaries of cold air drainage, there are substantial areas of alpine vegetation on the summit. In winter it becomes snowbound, supplying entertainment for beginner skiers and sight seers, whilst in summer, it provides numerous bushwalks and a cool respite from the baking plains below.

Mt Buffalo is a great place for sunsets

and let's put another shot of a sunset in :-)

and for wildlife such as this little bloke caught napping in a crack in the granite tors

and for waterfalls - this one is part of Dickson's Falls, but there are other good ones as well such as Rollason's Falls.

and for pretty scenery

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Mount Buffalo/ created by Na'Tiel/last modified 29th January 2000. All piccies copyright Lynne Shandley

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