Bobbie's Poems
            To My Sweet Angel !!!
When I look into your eyes, I see the love and trust you have for me. I see the happiness you hold deep within your heart just for me. I see the spark in your smile and the smile in your eyes. You are the most beautiful woman in this world and you are all mine!
You are the rock that keeps me steady and the best friend I've ever had. For those above things, I owe you everything in this world! With every beat of my heart that love grows more and more each day! I never thought it possible that I could love someone as much as I love you but its true! You've proven my heart wrong and I am so very grateful for that! With the road blocks ahead of us, our love will take us through! Because my heart is overflowing with love just for you! ~~~~~~
I love you babygirl~~~~~~
Forever Yours~
Dec.2nd 2003
The unsteadiness of the world, brings worry to our lifes. Yet our love will over come anything that comes our way. I have no doubt that the distance between us will soon come to an end. And together in one anothers arms we will be again.
The clouds look alittle dark right now but the sunshine will soon clear it up. And the rays from the love we share will shine through! It will shine bright for all to see and together we will be!!!
Much love my darling~
My sweet angel is just the greatest thing on this planet. Not only does she stick by me when times are so rough, I dont even want to stick around but she loves me so unconditionally.
It might not be legal just yet but we are united together by the elements of: Love, Honesty,Trust,Faithfulness and Communication. Although sometimes it takes a lot of communication to get through to one another, those are our connections!!! With those 5 things we can face anything together. We are the Yin-Yang of each other!!
My heart beats for only you my sweet baby!
Bobbie 12-7-03
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