His Imperial Majesty welcomes you to a website which is dedicated to his hobby of wargaming .
Here you will find pictures of his armies, reasons why he games certain periods (and why he games at all), and downloads of free wargames rules. 
The only thing  he asks is your forebearance as his staff in the process of constructing this electronic tome.

Below is the index to the main pages:

(De Bellis Antiquitatis)

(De Bellis Renationis)

Contemptible Little Armies

Bush Ranging
(The Later New Zealand Wars)

in progress


Natholeon rates the top ten generals of all time

Some tips on starting out

Contact Me

Our Club!

Vegas Wargames Club

Meets on the second Sunday of every month.  Anybody, any period, welcome.
We meet at Malfroy Primary School Hall, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Any queries, please
e-mail me.
What's New?

21st August - Rearranged website.
18 January - New photos uploaded.  New pages created.

23 January 2005 - Natholeon rates his top ten generals

You are visitor number
Here I am on the left, looking exceptionally Natholeonic!

Can't say it was a very pleasant day to be crossing the Alps...
Upcoming projects
Here is a list of projects currently being worked upon by the Imperial Staff:
1)  The creation of a 15mm Napoleonic French Army, and a British army with which to face it.
2)  A 15mm Louis XIV French army for DBR.
3)  Skirmish games involving the Three Musketeers in 30mm.
4)  Pirate games in 28mm.
5)  20mm Russian and Austrian armies for the Great War.
6)  20mm US Marine and Imperial Japanese armies for Crossfire.
7)  A 20mm Gallic DBA army.
8)  A 28mm Royalist army for the English Civil War.
Updates to be made as they are completed.
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