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This site is my personal page(My page of darkness), it has links to good reliable sites that has a collection of classic games that are fun to play with and some of my personal stuff..

It also contains a page of pics from my collection(Graveyard of pictures). The pics are about Macross, Samurai showdown, Anime or cartoon's series and some of my favorite pics.

NOTE: "Site is under construction"
Nathell's Homepage
My page of darkness Voices of lost souls The Gaveyard
"...they say that if you die and you have an uncompleted task... your soul will be lost in a spectral plane and only your cries will be heard by someone dear to you"
"Everybody is born with his own set of fangs & claws. As we grow up we just need to learn how to use them as teeth and nails. How are you using yours???" "...A graveyard is a very peaceful place were a lot of things are buried and forgotten. Many of this things are valueable and are tresured by others..."
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