What's the Point?
If you had 8 seconds to live,
Were would you be,
And what would you do?


In cuckoo land,
With you!

Love is a feeling we have have,
And a weakness we feel.
Sometimes, we do stupid things to show we care,
But what�s the point? It�s all the same deal!
Whatever we do or say, life�s always unfair,
So please do me a favour:
Stick around for a bit so I can enjoy life with you!

What exactly is love?
Is it but a turtle dove?
It�s a feeling,
A weakness,
We all have and feel in our lives!
How do you know when we�re in love?
You know when you know you cannot live without that person!
It probably has something to do with the sweet, soppy poetry too!

I know I said poets should burn in Hell,
I�ve changed my mind!
We should all be locked in a kennel,
Until we decide to be kind.

What if life was like that?
Locked up, with no key,
Until it decided to be nice and fat,
I think we�d be happy you see?

Why do all things come to an end?
Why can�t they last forever?
But no!
From hell they send
Anything that�s a stone or heavier!

Why can�t we drink our problems away?
Why can�t we cry our problems to bay?
Probably because if we were all happy,
What would be the point in asking how we are?

My love will live strong,
Until my loved one is gone.
My life will be long,
While I don�t hurry up and die already.
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