Nathan Hale Lacrosse meeting minutes – March 7, 2007

In attendance – K. Malone, T. Osborne, R. Strickland, E. Hofmann (Harkey), D. Adams, D. Landeen (Root), C. Kneser, K. Allen (Arndt)
Agenda: STATUS: The board agrees that the goals outlined during the previous year are on track and we have accomplished the first step towards team building, good coaching and solid conditioning.

K. Malone has officially declared to the league that there are not enough players to field a J.V. team this year. The league rules state that a team must have a JV team as well as a Varsity team the previous year before being able to advance to Division 1 status. This means that we can not qualify for Division 1 status next year.

Roosevelt Scrimmage will take place at 7 p.m. tomorrow, March 8th at the Summit fields. Nathan Hale will wear the White Jerseys.

Lynden Cavaliers Preseason Tournament – 19 players are planning to attend from Nathan Hale. 10 rooms are reserved for players and 5 rooms are reserved for adults.
Adults attending: Coach Mike, Coach Bobby, Coach Boone, D. Landeen(Root), K. Malone, K.Kerkoff, G & T Osborne, E. Hofmann(Harkey). Times are moved back – the first game is at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Departure time will be moved to 7:30 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. Players are to meet at the Nathan Hale tennis courts.

Communication – Kelly Malone will send R. Strickland an updated Roster list for Richard to add names onto the Yahoo e-mail group. A sign-up list will be circulated at the first game for players and parents to develop a telephone tree call list.

Field Operations – G. Osborne will be attending a scorekeeper’s seminar. Volunteers are needed for scoring and timing the games especially the Wednesday, March 14th game and the Friday, March 16th game.

Budget – The yearly budget has been revised – see the 2007 budget addendum. Some changing noted are due to the elimination of the JV team and associated costs.
Fundraising – Boys Lacrosse was drawn from the Sports Booster concession stand draw to operate the concession stand at the Track Meet on April 26th. M. Malone has volunteered to staff the booth from 2:30 until 4:30. It would be helpful if there were another adult to work that same time with her. It can be very busy. C. Kneser and D. Landeen (Root) have volunteered to staff the booth during the later shift from 4:30 until 6:30 p.m.
T. Osborn has volunteered to organize selling snacks and water at the Lacrosse home games. She will purchase items at Costco on Friday, March 9th, to sell at home games. E. Hofmann (Harkey) will generate a check to reimburse the costs.

Next meeting will be April 4th, after the game, at the field.
Meeting adjourned.
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