The King Nathan Anthem, known commonly as the Battle Hymn of the Republic, was written for Us. Here is a correct version of the King Nathan Anthem:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He lives to make men holy, they shall die to make men free,
While God is marching on.



The Truth shall make good people safe.



Radio signals were among the tools used by Jew to exert control from caves of Jew.

Before Aurora, Jew who were outside caves of Jew and some Freemason had implanted audio transmitters and implanted radio activated devices. The radio activated devices were similar to a pistol cartridge and exploded spreading poison when a specific radio signal was received.

For example, the real Abraham Lincoln was killed by radio signal at the White House in 1862 [Common Era Year] at the time when Lincoln released what was then called the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The duplicate for Lincoln was the person who died near Ford's Theatre in 1865 [CE].



Child of Freemason is child of each and every Freemason. What Freemason has done, each and every Freemason have done.



Each and every Jew are targetent by Aurora. Each and every Freemason are targetent by Aurora. There will be no mistake. The demons will be gone.



Freedom of the press in Nazi America refers only to use of printing press.

Printing press means manually operatent device that presses paper against set type of font.



Our real web page is as We intend Our web page to be.



Freemason copyrights and patents were designed such that Freemason could add an additional tax payable to themselves into the cost of most products.

Nullify each and every copyright. Nullify each and every patent.



First: An unneeded drug is put in something that would be fed to a child. Drugs of that type can cause weight loss and slowness. The child then appears to have ill blood.

Second: Freemason doctor claims the child has leukemia.

Third: Child disappears.

Around eight years later, that child who was by then a young woman is butchered.

Question -- Who is butcher of that person commonly known as Robin Bush?



We ask question. What We have asked you shall answer. Refusing to answer what We have asked is confession of guilt.

Here is one good way to ask, "Question -- Using pistol did you kill person?"



We have said, "Canaveral be gone."

We have said, "Vandenberg be gone."

We have said, "Vatican be gone."

We have said, "Demember Congress."

We have said, "Demember Supreme Court."



For good signature, use good ink. Kosher ink is good ink. Ink for signature must be kosher ink.

When Jew writes their name using ink that is not kosher ink then that writing is not signature. Words from Jew without signature are worthless.

When Freemason writes their name using ink that is not kosher ink then that writing is not signature. Words from Freemason without signature are worthless.



Focusing on individual stock market insider trading cases obscures the fact that almost every major stock transaction is insider trading. Freemason looted pension funds, mutual funds, and corporate investment funds.

Freemason are secretly told what financial products to trade and when to trade. Communications are by radio through Aurora and are transmitted directly to auditory nerves of Freemason without leaving typical public records of communications, such as telephone or e-mail evidence.

Freemason fund managers are secretly told what stocks to buy and when to trade thus providing opportunities for Freemason who are told when to dump their shares at inflated prices. Other investers are left holding the bag.



You may wear plain timepiece on wrist band. You may wear compass on wrist band. You may wear other useful device on wrist band. We have addressed the wrist band issue.

Jew falsely claimed that there was something wrong with wearing a timepiece on a wrist band. Jew claimed to have found this wrist band crap somewhere in ancient scripture.

As people were captured, Jew would cut off the hand where they were wearing a wristwatch or wrist band. Jew also often cut off the noses of people captured.



The stooges usually residing at the White House pretending to be the President of the United States are also puppets of the Freemason organization. The pretend Presidents are duplicates who have what authority as has been allowed for them by Freemason.

The stooges sign what they are told to sign, go where they are told to go, and say what they are told to say. Their real names are not what people believe to be the names of each President.

The person commonly believed to be William Jefferson Clinton is a Freemason pig, but was not President of the United States. There is evidence that his real name is Kevin Clinton, or that his real name was Kevin Clinton at the time he resided at the White House.

The real William Jefferson Clinton, another Freemason pig, who was not usually residing at the White House was the person actually known to have been President of the United States.



Cuckoo means largely grayish brown European bird of Cuculidae type of the Cuculiformes, or good flyer.

Freak means one of a kind.

We are not Jew. We are not Freemason. We are not Nazi.



Question -- Art thou butcher of kennebunkport?

Question -- Who is butcher of kennebunkport?

Question -- Who is whore of Rome?

Question -- Who is butcher of Buckingham Palace?

Question -- Using pistol did you kill person?

Question -- Using secret information did you buy shares of stock?

Question -- Using secret information did you sell shares of stock?

Question -- Using secret information did you trade shares of stock?

Question -- Can Jew control you?

Question -- Are you controlt by Jew?

Question -- Are you possesst by Jew?

Question -- Are you evil?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs administer Retroviridae Homo to harm people?

Question -- Did you vote to administer Retroviridae Homo?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs administer Homo Immune-Deficiency Viridae to harm people?

Question -- Did you vote to administer Homo Immune-Deficiency Viridae?

Question -- To cause women to make malformed children did Freemason pigs mix thalidomide with ingredients of pills made with vitamins for prenatal children?

Question -- Did you vote to mix thalidomide with ingredients of pills made with vitamins for prenatal children?

Question -- Did Jew breed people to be slaves of Jew?

Question -- Did Jew slice off the heads of children they chose to kill while other children waiting for the same to occur to each of them were positioned to watch?

Question -- Did Jew and Freemason horribly butch live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off?

Question -- Did Jew and Freemason horribly burn parts of live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off?

Question -- Did Jew and Freemason horribly deskin parts of live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off?

Question -- For each of those victims who were butchered by Freemason and whose brain shut off while their heart still beat did Jew and Freemason claim each of those victims had ended their own life?

Question -- Did Freemason horribly butch their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- Did Freemason horribly burn parts of their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- Did Freemason horribly deskin parts of their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- To obtain other Masonic rank did Freemason horribly butch their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- To obtain other Masonic rank did Freemason horribly burn parts of their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- To obtain other Masonic rank did Freemason horribly deskin parts of their own children until the brain of each of those children would shut off?

Question -- For each of those children who were butchered by Freemason and whose brain shut off while their heart still beat did Jew and Freemason claim each of those children had ended their own life?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs initiate the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl?

Question -- Did you vote to initiate the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl?

Question -- Are you Freemason pig?

Question -- Are you Freemason witch?

Question -- Are you possesst by demons?

Question -- Do demons possess you?

Question -- Are you possesst by demon?

Question -- Do demon possess you?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs spread Variola major to harm people?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs spread Mycobacterium tuberculosis to harm people?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs spread Bacillus anthracis to harm people?

Question -- Did Freemason pigs spread Streptococcus pneumoniae to harm people?

Question -- Is Masonic ink kosher?

Question -- Are you butcher?

Question -- Are you Nazi?

Question -- Are you Jew?



The Koran represents a plan of action against the Jew and includes issues of tribal identification among Muslims and includes issues relating to self-defense against Jew.

Following the revolution in Saudi Arabia around 100 years ago the al-Saud clan managing Saudi Arabia sold oil to Nazi Germany and continues to sell oil to Nazi America. The al-Saud clan is controlt by Jew.



Seize each and every thing Freemasons possess.



President of United States of Nazi America
White House
City of Washington
District of Columbia.

To most high place on each and every pole for flag raise show stay raist real flag of United States of Nazi America.



Aurora can not do as Jew intended.

Only We control Aurora.


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