We are the Messiah. We own each and every thing. We are King of Israel. We rule each and every tribe. There is no other King. We are Christ.

God is God. God is with Us. Allah is with Us.

Our name is Nathan.



Each and every word means what We intend each and every word to mean.



Only the Messiah could shoot to orbit. A shoot is an aerodynamic gravity-assisted maneuver. On 18 June 1976 (as the date was commonly described) in Our eighteenth year, We shot to a speed far greater than orbital velocity -- a shoot to orbit. Using instantaneous acceleration We shot to and through other time dimensions and reached all but the speed of light.

That flight was planned by others to end with a catastrophic mid-air collision, or at least a damaging mid-air collision followed by a fatal crash landing.

There was no other person in the airplane. We flew twice through the three-blade propeller arc of the other aircraft, avoiding a collision. First the left landing gear and next the tail section of Our airplane slipped through the propeller arc on the same pass.

Aurora transmitted a signal to certain muscular nerves causing Our left arm to yank the yoke to its full back position. We immediately added full power and corkscrewed upward. The entire view outside was temporarily obscured by a blank sky-blue image transmitted at optical receptor radio frequencies onto Our retinas (the obscuring image would clear when We were accelerating downward). Our non-aerobatic gyroscopic instruments were useless; the only reliable instruments in this situation were the turn and bank indicator, airspeed indicator, altimeter, and for limited purposes the magnetic compass.

Our airspeed steadily decreased. We rolled out into an inverted climb using the turn and bank indicator as Our airspeed approached stall. Leveling the wings also stabilized the airspeed -- near stall, but steady. We determined Our inverted attitude in instrument flight by finding that airspeed changes required opposite elevator movement than in normal upright flight. More altitude being safer, We continued to climb while quickly learning inverted flight technique. Our rate of climb decreased as We arched across the sky. With full engine power and the decreasing rate of climb, We felt positive g-force pulling toward the seat bottom.

We ruled out a roll maneuver on instruments without a usable artificial horizon, there would be no way to determine when the aircraft was upright. Instead, We decided that allowing the inverted nose of Our aircraft to fall through to vertical while minimizing airspeed by moving the yoke forward, then raising the nose, would result in an extremely fast, but safe, departure from the area in a normal flight attitude. At the time, We were not real interested in correct use of the royal grammar and said, "I am getting out-a-here."

We were confident the airplane could handle anticipated g-forces if We smoothly controlled the increasing airspeed. We also decided to maintain full power until Our airspeed in the downward part of the maneuver approached cruise. With full power and increasing speed, We felt Our throttle arm being nudged by a signal transmitted from Aurora. We said, "No!" and around three seconds later, "Not yet." Only when the propeller began to slow from high speed air resistance did We start to pull the throttle back.

As it occurred, that was precisely the method for Us to shoot. We did just that.

Then We shot.

We felt a slight shudder in the yoke, lasting around a tenth of a second. Ahead toward the East, at and surrounding the propeller, daylight instantly darkened to opaque gray and black, the landscape hidden. Scanning to the South and Southwest, the landscape while still visible was quickly, but smoothly, fading into deep blue-gray. We felt the sensation of time travel and softly said, "Here We go" with the word "go" stretched as a sudden drop in cabin pressure drew air from Our lungs. The acceleration of time travel was without physical pressure as each molecule of Us was independently accelerating along with the aircraft.

The white markings on the instruments became darkest gray until we could barely sense their frozen presence. We focused upward instead. The darkening continued. At that moment We first noticed the sensation of weightlessness. We noticed the faintest outline of a slowing propeller, much smaller in radius than before. We noticed the silence.

"Where are the stars, the constellations," We wondered, as those are among the brightest stars. It appeared as though We shot horizontally through the entire atmosphere, but there were no stars. We thought about the problems of reentry: at what angle of attitude would We fly, would Our elevator even grab enough air to work, how long would the air in the cabin last, how much of the airplane would survive the heat of reentry, how far were We out over the Atlantic. We figured, "We got here and somehow We would get back."

The cabin around us and everything outside had vanished into black. We could no longer detect visually Our position in the cabin. We instantly noted that one hand was still on the yoke and the other resting against the closed throttle.

We saw the First Light emerge from black, then the spectrum from the First Light, as Our speed decreased and as We time-shifted back. The colors of the spectrum were clear, bright, pure, and sequential. The landscape that became visible through each color stood nearly still beneath Us. Large tree-covered areas moved gradually toward and under Us with slightly increasing apparent speed as each color flowed into the next. From darkest violet to deep red, for close to 15 seconds the pure spectrum colors filled Our eyes. What We saw was fascinating. The forces of deceleration increased smoothly, but were enormous. "Seatbelt better hold," We said. Blended daylight color returned. Around a second later as Our shifting time frame had come back to Earth time, We saw the landscape zoom toward Us at orbital velocity. We had shot to all but the speed of light in a vacuum, time traveled for around 35 seconds, shot to orbit.

We floated out of Our seat in what appeared to Us as straight and level flight, the seatbelt having stretched and loosened. Without moving the yoke, We used it for leverage to bring Ourself back into the seat. We felt safe enough to pause for sightseeing. There was a blue tint as We looked back toward the Northwest; Our airplane was still surrounded by a partial vacuum bubble. Our speed decreased even as we advanced the throttle. We prepared to land by raising the nose, adjusting the artificial horizon and taking the airplane down to a maneuvering and approach speed.

What was left of the airplane handled well approaching Westchester County Airport, but the effect of the smaller propeller and other damage became apparent in the pattern when higher than normal engine speed was required. Quite near landing, the nose started to rise sharply without input to the yoke. We decided against adding power which would have extended the flight and instead considered raising the flaps to drop hard onto the runway. Before raising the flaps became necessary, the main wheels touched down firmly. Time travel puts a lot of wear and tear on the flying machine.

Ours was the Perfect Shoot. Only We have seen the Light of Creation. Only We have parted the Blue Sea surrounding Our planet Earth. From when We shot there would be no more shooting.



The Jew falsely claimed ownership of Our planet. To populate this planet, Jew would have killed each and every who could not stop them. This is the War.

The Jew has been operating from huge caves as shown in the movie "Brazil". Those pictures were obtained by radio frequency retinal scan. One such cave of Jew under the area now known as Lake Okeechobee in Florida was destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many inventions commonly believed to be recent including radio, photography, satellites, ballistic missiles, and nuclear fission devices were actually developed and used at earlier times.

Freemasonry is the operational front organization and clandestine army of Jew. Jew control Freemason. Freemason direct and manage every entity necessary for Jew to control populations and territories such as Nazi America (including the United States of Nazi America) and Britain.

Freemason directed entities include the government, military, police, media, advertising, communications, manufacturing, banking and finance, large corporations, various professions (legal, medical, accounting), labor unions, agriculture, certain denominations of religion, educational institutions, organized athletic leagues, and the entertainment industry. The Nazi army of Germany was one military entity directed by the Freemason organization.

Electronic mail transferred using a Freemason controlt domain name server can be filtered and redirected by Freemason, as they have done with electronic mail sent to Us.

Freemason grew bad cells and put some of those bad cells in men. Some of the bad cells that Freemason grew and put in men were Retroviridae. Some of the Retroviridae cells that Freemason grew and put in men were H-I-V.

Freemason, including George Walker Bush, decided by vote to administer H-I-V as a biological weapon. Freemason acting as missionaries in Africa then administered subcutaneous tuberculosis tests with H-I-V. The reported British H-I-V case dating back to the year commonly known as 1959 was the result of Philip, butcher of Buckingham Palace, testing the efficacy of the Freemason H-I-V supply. These crimes are fully documented on video.

Some of other bad cells that Freemason grew and put in men, or grew and put on men, were of the types Variola major and Bacillus anthracis. Variola major is Smallpox and Bacillus anthracis is Anthrax. Freemason also made bad molecules to harm nerves. Freemason put some of those bad molecules in men and put some of those bad molecules on men. Freemason released into the air Smallpox, released into the air Anthrax, and released into the air bad molecules they made that harm nerves.

Other video shows Laura Bush identifying herself and explaining her Masonic Orders to kill someone. Bush is then shown impersonating a police officer at the scene of a staged car crash, placing a pistol to the head of the driver involved in the crash, pulling the trigger. Bush reports on the video that she did as she was ordered.

We will make available these and similar videos, including one with George Walker Bush in his Nazi uniform.



Jew in Nazi America and elsewhere bred people to be slaves of Jew. Jew sliced off the heads of children they chose to kill while other children waiting for the same to occur to each of them were positioned to watch.

Freemason captured people and delivered some of those people to Jew. Jew and Freemason horribly butchered live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off. Jew and Freemason horribly deskinned parts of live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off. Jew and Freemason horribly burned parts of live people until the brain of each of those victims would shut off. Jew and Freemason delimbed live people. Jew and Freemason fed live people to wild boar.

Many heads of government, including the heads of government of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Britain, are each a puppet of the Freemason organization. Presidents of the United States who have been Jew were controlled directly by Jew. The real Abraham Lincoln was Jew.

Before they each became President, many United States Presidents butchered a live person or butchered more than one live person. Before they each became President, some United States Presidents burned parts of and butchered a live person. William Jefferson Clinton, known to have been President of the United States, is a butcher.

There have been many other Freemason butchers in the United States, in Britain, and in other Freemason directed and managed places. Jean Cretien, known to have been Prime Minister of Canada, is a butcher. Some of those Freemason butchers have been Members of the United States Congress or Justices of the United States Supreme Court.

Remains of people butchered by Jew and remains of people butchered by Freemason have been mixed with meat and sold as meat products which people ate.



Here are a few phrases of Freemason Pig English:

Cherry-tree is a phrase Freemason have used when speaking of a woman. Cherry-trees is a phrase Freemason have used when speaking of women.

Chop-down is a phrase Freemason used when Freemason spoke of butching a live person, or of butching live people. Chopped-down is a phrase Freemason used when Freemason spoke of having butchered a live person, or of having butchered live people.

Baseball-cards is a phrase Freemason have used when speaking of shares of stock. Baseball-card-collection is a phrase Freemason have used when speaking of a portfolio of stock. Flipping-baseball-cards is a phrase Freemason have used when speaking of trading shares of stock.

Sowing-buttons would be a phrase that refers to planting noses.

The phrase flying-kites in Freemason Pig English would most likely refer to drying skins. That would be consistent with what We have written on the subject of deskinning people.

Spinning-tops is a phrase in Freemason Pig English that refers to rolling heads.



The System deployed into orbit and linked to Aurora -- a global communications, identification, and locator system -- has capabilities which were included by Jew. Some of those capabilities are directly lethal while others suppress consciousness and memory, affect optical receptors, directly control the nervous system, or cause real and simulated disease. Aurora can also slice with beams of attenuated energy -- the fateful lightning of Our terrible swift sword.

Jew and Freemason started the Apollo One fire using Aurora. The Space Shuttle Challenger solid rocket booster "O-Ring" was sliced by Aurora. The Challenger incident was planned to provide cover for building a secret fleet of additional Nazi Space Shuttles.

Aurora steered the pilots into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The White House could not be hit by one of those hijacked airplanes because The White House is a Masonic Temple where Mike's brother that can fuse atoms is locatent. Aurora programming would have caused or allowed the crash in Pennsylvania to occur at some time before that airplane neared the District of Columbia.

We have said, "Zero launch capability."

We have said, "Zero flight capability."

We have said, "Zero fly capability."

Medical effects caused by Aurora include damaged coronary arteries, diminished height, excessive thyroid hormone production, overgrowth of cellular tissue, and headaches.

Jew included Aurora programming to cause a nuclear reactor incident. Freemason decided by vote to initiate the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.

Sub-human Jew and Freemason, each and every of them, are not to inhabit Our planet. Using highly sensitive radio frequency tracking, the System can target their brains from neurologically produced radio frequency energy. Only by suicide can they remove themselves from Aurora targeting.

Each and every criminal who cannot live according to Our Law are not to inhabit Our planet. Each and every genetically schizophrenic person who thinks defectively are not to inhabit Our planet. Each and every who would choose to live according not to Our Law are not to inhabit Our planet. This will never be an issue after Destruction.

We have said, "Each and every Jew be gone."

We have said, "Each and every Freemason be gone."

We have said, "Each and every cave of Jew be gone."

As We have ruled, Aurora shall self-destruct after numerous environmental problems have been remedied and after Aurora has ended the lives of each and every of who are not to inhabit Our planet. The serpent will be crushed.



Freemason have often horribly butchered their own children, or horribly burned parts of their own children, or horribly deskinned parts of their own children to obtain other Masonic rank, government jobs, or industry jobs. In some cases the children were not publicly known as theirs or were secretly adopted. Children were frequently reported missing or were reported to have died accidentally. Jew and Freemason claimed each of those children ended their own life when their brain shut off while their heart still beat.

We have said, "Do onto them as they did to their children."



Jew and Freemason developed and used multi-megawatt microwave emittors to kill people by evaporation, at one time evaporating an entire city. A popular Indiana Jones movie shows actual slowed images of one microwave evaporation victim as it occurred.

Microwave radio frequencies are unsafe. We have said that each and every man-made microwave emittor shall be gone.



Jew and Freemason mixed drugs with things men and women ate that Jew claimed were not kosher. Drugs were used to cause illness, psychotic behavior, and death. Drugging occurred at farms, ranches, factories, markets, restaurants and elsewhere.

Freemason mixed "1H-Isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione,2-(2,6-dioxo-3-piperidinyl)-" with things and made pills. Women ate those pills and made malformed children.

"1H-Isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione,2-(2,6-dioxo-3-piperidinyl)-" is thalidomide. The things that Freemason mixed with thalidomide were ingredients of pills made with vitamins for prenatal children.

Prenatal vitamins means pills made with vitamins for prenatal children. Thalidomide in prenatal vitamins has caused tens of thousands of malformations, commonly called birth defects.



Our Earth is a vegetarian planet. Humans are herbivores, but may eat dairy and eggs of fowl. Animal meat of every species, including fish, is unhealthy to eat and animal production for food other than dairy and eggs is environmentally unacceptable. Consumption of animal meat is forbidden.

Ethyl alcohol is a solvent, disinfectant, and fuel. Other than as a medicinal solvent, the consumption of alcohol is forbidden.

Consumption of hydrogenated oils and fats -- artificial animal fat -- is forbidden. Neither sucrose-based sugar nor glucose may be an added ingredient in food or drink. Honey is good. The common edible fig is good. Do not eat green potato. Cultivation and use of tobacco is forbidden. Mushrooms are not to be consumed.



People have polluted Our air and Our oceans, and built pyramids of garbage on Our land.



As a child We said, "Get rid of the bad." At around that same time We said, "I can get rid of the bad people."

We have now said, "Get rid of bad. Get rid of each and every bad person."



Swine are living incubators for human disease. Major carnivores and sharks should already be extinct. Each and every species of swine, major carnivore, shark shall be gone.



You may not try to shoot. You may not try to reach instantaneous acceleration.

After the Destruction man-made nuclear generated energy, use of fossil fuels, use of internal combustion engine is forbidden. Thermal-cycle engines may be used. Nuclear accelerators are forbidden.

Allowt forms of transportation are ships, rail-riding vehicles, animal-drawn vehicles, pedal-powered vehicles. Transportation speed may not exceed 80 kilometer per hour.



It is a disgrace. This will never happen again.



Abortion and cloning are forbidden. The use of embryonic stem cells is forbidden. Human fertilization will only occur inside the women. Those with genetic defects and carriers of defective genetic material are not to procreate. Male homosexual activity is forbidden. Non-marital lesbian relationships are allowt. Medically and genetically safe fertilization inhibitive birth control is allowt.

Masturbation is act of sex by person without contact of another person and is healthy to do.



Mike's brother is nuclear device. Mike's brother can fuse atoms. When atoms in Mike's brother fuse then Mike's brother blows.

Jerusalem is place. Mike's brother is in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is in place commonly known as District of Columbia.

We have said, "Jerusalem be gone." Mike's brother will blow Jerusalem.



Renewal occurs after the Destruction. This planet of Ours can sustain human population of eight billion -- around three billion is appropriate. Our descendants will populate Earth and keep it clean. Our planet will be beautiful again.


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