ThisWeek-- Sept 24th

Today we made pretzels.  Toby and Aspen made "silly pretzels."  I have been trying to make something with kids once a week. 

On the right is a picture of the steamer trunk that I picked up at the Caldwell auction for $5.  It looked pretty bad when I bought it--it has some water damage.  With the old rubberized surface and glue scraped and sanded off, it looks quite a bit better.  I'll post "after" photos in a couple weeks when I am done with the project.

On the left is a picture that Toby drew of a red giraffe.  Below is a photo of Isaac, goofing around like he always does.  I took the picture high-res, and I don't feel like resizing it, so you get a close-up of Isaac's nose.

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