It's a Zoo out There
When the kids found these caterpillars, we decided to see if we could watch them turn in to caterpillars.  Out of 3 caterpillars, two turned into butterflies.  The picture here is one of our butterflies before it flew away. (spring '01)
We have had some additional reptile sightings, including this toad which we found trying to get in through our patio door.  I have some video footage of this toad eating a nice big junebug.  It only took .1 seconds (3 video frames) for the tongue to come out, and the bug to go in. (summer '01)
We have quite a few geckos in the back yard.  They like waiting on the window screens in the dining room for bugs.  The other morning I watched one stalk and devour a good sized moth.  We occasionally get little ones (really little) in the house.

Yesterday we found this little snake in the back yard.
(September '00)
Last Thursday we caught this spider in the carport, headed for the house.  The little yellow spots on the spider's body, and the two yellow spots on the leg on the far left are baby spiders.  This mother spider was carrying a couple hundred babies.

We recently got a picture of this lizzard, which is quite different from the many geckos we have.  This one looks more like an alligator, and runs quite a bit faster than the geckos.
(September '00)
We found this fuzzy caterpillar in the front yard.  You can kind of see the red stripes on its body.  I will post new pictures when it turns into a butterfly.
(update: this caterpillar died when we accidentally fed it some plants which we had previously sprayed with bugspray)
Another large spider.  Things tend to be bigger here in Texas.
(October '00)
September 2000
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