It is a new year
Well today was the first day of classes and in my typical way, I was apathetic and shy so I met no one new.  But I figure, I might as well stick to what I am good at, looking pretty and being badass once you get to know me.  I have decided two things for this year.  I can not leave this year without overcoming my being a chicken shit and I must see someone to the truffle chuffle.  While both are not really related, either one would make my day atleast and would probably gain note on my cite atleast.  There are some things I want to clarify with people, no I did not highlight my hair, no I did not bleach my eye brows, and yes my tan is natural and from the sun that both made me a bronze god and a bleached eye brow weirdo.  Hopefully the fine ladies of ISU can look past the freaky eye brows and see the super stud that I really am.  I know, I know, everyone is wondering something "If you are a  super stud, what is the deal with overcoming being a chicken shitted little biatch"  Well my children, I have to be merely a man before I become a legend.  Of course, that really makes no sense, but that is besides the point, the point is, I must top last year.  While board games, hanging out, play eukre, and playing dodgeball, but I need excitement, something only hot peppers and cars with big spoilers and pipes can deliver.  I have a need for speed and only cow bell can quench my thirst.  Cow bell and french silk pie, well mostly cow bell....and french silk pie.  This year will top all others before it, and for one raeson only, Tim and I are going to have the ultimate dorm room.  We will have th clapper and the worlds largest loft made by yours truly Billiam Eaton.  Well, I am done ranting, because none of this really makes sense and I am tired of making ass of myself, see you kids on the flip side.
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