This page is the official page where I pretty much bitch about stuff and make fun of things, it is the long awaited "NATHAN RANTS AND RAVES ABOUT SHIT" page.

So this story is about why so many people not from the Chicago Area, hate people from the Chicago Area.  So today I went out and ran around in the awesome rain with a friend and we happened upon some people playing sand volleyball, so we were like sweet, and went and played with these people.  They seemed cool, until one of the guys saw I was wearing a Riverton shirt and he asked me where Riverton was, I explained where it was and he just looked at me and was like "oh out in the boonies".  I just looked at him and said what?  He then proceeds to talk about the one time he went to springfield for an educational class trip it was horrible and since this guy is obviosuly a fucking moron and makes generalizations, I am convinced he is just joking.  Well no he isn't, he goes on to rant about how there is nothign to do and how he is a cock-smith who needs a cattle prod to is right temple while I round house kick it into his brain.  I proceed to ask him where he is from.....he responds Napperville, by no means do I have anything against Napperville, I have only been there but once on a class trip and there was nothing to do, but I have the intelligence above that of a monkey who is too dumb and simply urinates in its own eye all day.  You could tell how proud he was to be an elitist and I would put good money down that he hates all black people and jewish people.  So I proceed to turn into the Hulk and romper stomp his ass back to the stone age.  And he started to cry and run away, well of course I whip out my Javelin and I take him out from a solid 200 yards away, right through the right shoulder making him go down faster than a certain Tim from my hometown on a hooker.  But to say the least, people from everywhere need to unite and take out elitist asses like this guy.  I mean, I know people from other parts of Illinois outside of the chicago area get pissed when you meet people like that who think they apparenlty are gods gift to the world since they grew up in the burbs.  People from the chicago area should take out this guys lawn gnomes or something, becaue he is giving you a bad name.  All in all, from my now going to school for over a year, this is the first completely ignorant turd burgler I had met who thinks they are supreme to others becuase of where they live....hey I have idea Mr. I obviously am going to be shanked by the time I am 25 because I have no idea of what the real world is and I am gonna one day meet someone not as nice as yours truly Nathan of Eats and I will be taken out for the better good of man kind.  Fucking people piss me off.

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