Read the sign or look at the intimidating drill sergeant stare. Nate Collier's Spelling Camp 2003 will begin shortly. The finger is pointing at YOU to sign up.

I was inspired to create NCSC 2K3 after seeing some of the horrible spelling on AIM. And I'm not talking about the intentional misspellings. I'm talking full-blown "how the hell do you spell this" stuff. So out of the goodness of my heart, I've created a "camp" for all of you people that can't spell.

Two-time spelling bee champ.
Loves to correct people.
Can spell better than you.

Just look at the determination on my face to teach all of you kids how to spell (Trogdor is in the pic, too). That finger is pointing at you, oh woeful speller. Sign up now by e-mailing or IMing me.

The date of Nate Collier Spelling Camp is still unknown, but it will be known shortly.

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