For those who have never seen J.S. Michaels before, what can you physically say about yourself and/or your physique? JS Michaels is 6'1 190lbs. I'm not a twig but at the same time i'm not overly ripped. I'm pretty much i'm at a happy medium. I work out 3-5 days a week to keep myself where I am. Right now i'm a cruiserweight, and I like the agility that I have to work with right now. Eventually i'd like to get about to around 200-210, but stay lean.

What made you come up with 'The Experience' J.S. Michaels? First and foremost the Michaels last name does not come from "Shawn Michaels". Michael is my middle name, Its my deceased Grandfather's name. I never actually met him, as he passed away well before I was born. My first name, John, is the name of my Great-Grandfather, my Grandfather, and My father so I'm carrying on that side of the family's name. Using Michael in my wrestling name is to carry on my Mother's side of the famliy's legacy(for lack of a better term). It's a matter of respect for me. The J is my first initial, the S is the last..and lets leave "The Experience" Part for the ladies to find out.

What motivated you to become a professional wrestler? Do you have any inspirations? Most people become Pro Wrestlers because they want to emulate someone or see a Pro Wrestler as a hero of theirs. I'm different in that aspect. I guess there are three things that motivated me to become a wrestler: The first is that i'm an enthusiast of everything backstage-related..I love to be part of something that only the workers get to experience (no pun intended..yet); I love the exclusiveness of wrestling, I needed to be part of that. Second, I've always been an entertainer by nature, I've always been a "ham". I used to make movies when I was younger, I was a magician, I've always loved to do something and get a reaction. Wrestling is the ultimate genre of entertainment...its drama, its comedy, its sports, its everything you can consider entertainment and then some. Lastly, I've always been into physical sports. When I was younger I was really into football, and I took gymnastics. I've always been intrigued by the way wrestling moves people. I've gone to local wrestling shows starting with the shows at the famed Catholic Youth Center in my birthplace Scranton,PA...I saw how people HATED the Iron Sheik and threw empty orange drink cartons at him, I saw how when Hulk Hogan's music hit, the crowd went nuts; I saw all that and I said some day I'm going to do that, and here I am now.

How did you get your start in pro wrestling? Who trained you, and what would you tell someone who wanted to break into the pro wrestling business? Well just a little under a year ago, I got serious about wanting to wrestle. At the time an independant worker from Maryland named (Phenom) Phil Stamper moved into the area, and was looking to do something in wrestling. Phil ran a small school where I along with several others trained to become Pro. From time to time Phil also had several other local workers come in and give us clinics in certain area's. All in all, I have a pretty good training background, and very diverse. Even though I am wrestling pro matches, that doesnt mean its time to stop learning and training. Theres no such thing as improving yourself too much.

What are your goals in professional wrestling? Right now my partner Showtime Shawn Sheridan and I are focused on making our tag team a huge success. My personal goal over all is to keep on improving, learning, and training. I want to make a name for myself, and moreover the area I'm from. Name one wrestler from Scranton, PA.

What have been your high point[s] in your short-lived wrestling career? Forming the tag team Teen Icons with sheridan is the number one high point, without a doubt. Working for JCW was also a definite high point and hearing positives from Ricky O. was great. I'm very much looking forward to the rematch Sheridan and I have against Dragon and Derranged this week.

What do you think of the Tri-state area's independent circuit, anyways to help better it? I've heard alot here and there that its failing, personally I don�t see it. There 's A LOT of talent in the area and working in the area. There are alot of federations out there and there's plenty of work. This area also has an abundance off good schools like Quack and Reckless' Chikara, The JCW school, the JAP school, and Wild Samoans in Allentown. I think the core of the future stars of wrestling lies in the tri-state area with the Inferno Kids, the Judas Youngs, The Tommy Suedes, the list goes on and on. What I think this area needs is a dominant federation, something between Indy and the WWF, kind of like ECW was. Combat Zone is extremely popular, but there still isn�t one "King of indies." I think sooner or later, one fed will outshine the others and fill the big boots ECW left behind. Its up to the fans as much as it is the workers to help push something to that level, and seeing that ECW was able to pull it off when wrestling interest wasn�t at an all time high, I think its very plausible. People need an alternative to WWF, that alternative is Indy.

If there was one thing about pro wrestling you could change, what would it be? I think that the WCW buyout was harmful to some of our future's but then again it put into perspective for a lot of people exactly why they started to wrestle to begin with; because they love doing it, not because of the money, fame, or seeing yourself in Chef Boyardee commercials.

Aside from wrestling, what could 'your fans' see you doing? I'm a Junior in college on break right now. I work at a business in the Scranton area doing computer work and marketing. I'm just like any other typical college guy; I like to hit the bars once in awhile, clubs, parties, lift, go to the movies etc. Anywhere there's women, I�m there ;)

Anything you would like to plug? Check out the Teen Icons live: march 9th: JCW in a rematch (demanded by the fans and ricky o himself) against Wasted youth, and April 6th in JCW and SSCW. If you'd like to book the icons or just learn some more about the team, head over to my website at or Shawn's website at Also don�t forget to visit and [Also, visit The Teen Icons website] If any hot girls want to chat...or possibly to FEEL THE or IM me at [email protected] or [email protected] ;)

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