And The Second War
Chapter 3
Back at Hogwarts

Harry cut out a small piece of chicken off of the leg, not wanting to be rude. Dumbledore�s office looked much like it did the year before; even the table that Harry had broken in his rage was standing perfectly upright, not a crack or seam visible on its surface. When they arrived at the office Dumbledore offered Harry some left over food from the feast, which Dobby brought up as enthusiastically as usual. Dumbledore looked down kindly at Harry as he cut his chicken leg.
�Harry, there are no formalities here eat up if you�re hungry.� Said Dumbledore while he gazed over his half moon spectacles. Harry instantly dropped his fork and knife, picking up the chicken leg with his hands and inserting it whole into his mouth. Moments later Harry pulled out a clean bone, removed of all meat. Harry ate rapidly pausing only for breath. Then Harry stopped. He could feel Dumbledore�s sharp blue eyes peering at him over the top of his half moon spectacles, surveying Harry with great concern.
�What did you want to talk to me about?� asked Harry, looking into Dumbledore�s twinkling eyes.
�Well Harry I would like to impress upon you a matter of utmost concern. Every word you say within this school will be heard and reported directly to Voldemort. It is likely he is listening to every word this very moment as we speak.� Stated Dumbledore with a very anxious look on his face.
Harry dropped the apple he was eating and stared at Dumbledore, He was lost for words.
Dumbledore continued. �As the muggles would say the cat is out of the bag. Voldemort is now aware of our close relationship, and there is nothing we can do about that. That is why I want you to take up Occlumency again this year, since Voldemort is aware of our relationship it is likely that he will try to take advantage of it.� Dumbledore paused as Harry was filled with anger that he would have to face Snape in potions and Occlumency. Harry began to sputter an angry response but was quickly cut off by Dumbledore, as he continued to speak.
�But since Professor Snape has refused to teach you Occlumency for obvious reasons, I myself will be teaching you. Every Saturday morning from nine a.m. until noon I shall be teaching you Occlumency, among other things.� Dumbledore stopped speaking and leaned closer to Harry.
Harry heard a low whisper to his left and the room seemed to dim as if a shadow walked into the room, but Harry wasn�t the only one who noticed. Dumbledore noticed it as well and turned sharply towards the direction the whisper came from. The shadow that passed into the room seemed to glow a deep red for a few moments, getting angry.
Dumbledore muttered something under his breath raising his wand, as the whisper grew in intensity. Suddenly the whisper was cut short and Harry felt a pain all to familiar. A pain of his scar filled with anger that was completely unrelated to what Harry was feeling.
�As you can now tell I�m not lying, and if I guess correctly that was Voldemort listening to us. Right Harry?� asked Dumbledore.
�Ya, it was him.� Replied Harry as he began rubbing his scar, which was slowly decreasing in pain.
�Well now that I know he�s not listening we�ll get to why I brought you here. Harry did you tell anyone about the prophecy?� Asked Dumbledore.
�No, why?� replied Harry, puzzled by the question.
�Because if you tell anyone than it is likely that they will be in great danger. Voldemort knows that we know the prophecy, and it is likely he will attempt to capture us and torture the information out of us. Harry if you tell anyone about the prophecy it is likely that moments after you tell them they will be apprehended, and forced to speak. Because it will be easier for Lord Voldemort to force knowledge out of Ron or Hermione rather than you or I.� Dumbledore paused and began thinking.
Harry did not know what to say. Now more than ever Harry felt an invisible barrier between himself and the rest of the world. Harry is to be involved in murder that could be years away, yet it could only be moments away.
�Well Harry I�ll bet your curious as to who I�ve chosen to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.� Said Dumbledore.
�Isn�t it Professor Moody since he was in charge of the train thingy.� Said Harry as a grin spread across Dumbledore�s face.
�No Alastor Moody is in charge of the safety of Hogwarts, he will be staying at the castle with other Aurors but I�m afraid he will not be teaching. I am to take the responsibilities of the position. But don�t tell anyone I didn�t mention it at the feast.� Said Dumbledore as his grin grew.
�Well I should be off to bed.� Said Harry. �Thanks for the meal.� As Harry turned and started for the door.
�Just a moment Harry.� Said Dumbledore as he reached underneath his desk. Harry turned to see Dumbledore lifting up Harry�s Firebolt. Harry ran to the broom his face alight with joy.
�You seemed to have forgotten this last year. And I daresay Professor McGonnogal has become rather attached to the Quiditch trophy, it�d be a shame if she were to lose it.� Said Dumbledore handing Harry the Firebolt.
�Thank you sir, I�ll do my best.� And with that Harry left Dumbledore�s office.
The halls were empty and only a few torches had been left lit. Harry walked slowly up to the dormitory holding the Firebolt loosely in his left hand. Harry�s thoughts were now dwelling on the prophecy, which he had almost forgotten during the summer months. But Harry�s thoughts did not dwell there for long. Harry was glad to be back at Hogwarts; with his broom in hand Harry mounted it and lifted off slowly from the ground.
Harry flew to the dormitory, which took him a matter of seconds on the Firebolt. It was almost there first time Harry had flown in a year. Finally Harry was back where he belonged, on a broom. When Harry entered he found Ron fast asleep but there was one less bed in the 6th year boys dormitory. Harry would find out why soon enough, and with that Harry fell asleep.


Harry woke up the next morning to find that Seamus was missing. Maybe his mother finally pulled him out of Hogwarts like she almost did last year. Harry got dressed slowly dreading his first class, Potions. Harry grabbed his books and was about to head to the great hall when Ron came down.
�Hey Harry, where were you last night?� asked Ron sleepily as he rubbed his eyes.
�Oh, Dumbledore wanted to give me my Firebolt back, that�s all.� Said Harry anxiously, worried about the prophecy. �Where�d Seamus get off to this year?� asked Harry changing the subject, hoping Ron wouldn�t inquire more.
�Well Harry you-know-who is back lots of people have left the country, lots have gone into hiding. There�s only half of the regular amount of students here, and that�s probably wh - why Seamus is gone.� Replied Ron yawning.
Harry�s first reaction to what Ron said was disbelief. �Are you serious?� asked Harry shocked from what Ron said.
�Ya, well� you�ll see for yourself this morning, the great hall last night didn�t seem very full.� Said Ron
And Harry did see for himself that morning. When Harry entered the great hall, it wasn�t even half full. Harry was so stunned that he stopped in the doorway to the great hall. Several first years had to walk around him because he just stood there. There were tons of students that Harry didn�t see there. Luna, Pansy, Zachariah, and plenty others there were so few students there that it looked like it was a holiday. Ron poked Harry in the ribs and they went and sat down.
A few minuets later Hermione and Ginny came down. They sat down looking oddly at Harry. �Where were you last night Harry?� asked Ginny as a puzzled look crept across her face.
�I was getting my Firebolt back from Dumbledore.� Replied Harry as the owls began to arrive. Hermione�s usual owl came down with the Daily Prophet, which she began reading intently. Even Hedwig came down for a quick bite to eat. 
Hermione let out a gasp as she knocked her pumpkin juice over. Hedwig in alarm took off from the table with a frightened glance at Hermione before she took off. Ginny stood up and looked over Hermione�s shoulder, instantly her eyes bulged then beginning to scan the paper rapidly. Hermione thrust the paper in front of Harry and Ron�s eyes, which they couldn�t believe.

Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, at his residents last night was reported to have attempted to hang himself. Luckily his wife found out before he succeeded in killing himself, and was saved. The Minister for Magic is now at St. Mungo�s undergoing extreme mental testing. Percy Weasley, Junior Assistant of the Minister for Magic made a statement late last night.
�This is a very tragic incident and we all hope that the Minister will be of better health soon and ready to resume his post. In the meantime the Wizenmagot (Headed by Albus Dumbledore) will be making all chief decisions until the Minister is returned to full health. We believe the reason for the Minister�s drastic measures is due to recent events such as the mass-muggle torturing a few weeks ago, that lead the Minister to a nervous breakdown.�
According to some Minister officials it is believed that the office was to great a burden for Cornelius, especially during times of war. Several of the officials stated that �We need a war-time Minister not a peace time Minister, Cornelius simply couldn�t handle the pressure.�
Currently the Wizenmagot is looking into the possibility of replacing the Minister but as of yet they have not reached a decision. It seems very likely to the Wizenmagot that you-know-who will likely try to take advantage of this situation and they remind the public to stay vigilant.

From there the article went into a short biography of Cornelius Fudge and his good deeds over the years. Harry was very surprised; Fudge didn�t seem like the kind of man who would try to kill himself.
�Stupid git, maybe if he would�ve listened to Dumbledore then maybe he wouldn�t be trying to kill himself.� Said Ron as he finished the article.
�I�m surprised that he knows how to make a noose, let alone fight a war against Voldemort.� Said Harry as Ron flinched at Voldemort�s name.
�Ugh, when will you two ever learn.� Said Hermione rolling her eyes to the ceiling. �This is very serious, without a Minister of Magic we are more vulnerable to Voldemort�s attacks then ever before.� Said Hermione.
�Ya I guess, but it still doesn�t change the fact that he�s a git.� Said Ron, his eyes lingering on Hermione�s for a moment. �What class d�you have first Harry?� asked Ron slowly looking away from Hermione.
�Potions.� Replied Harry gloomily
�Oh me too Harry, lets just hope Professor Snape is less discriminatory than usual.� Said Hermione excitedly. But there was something peculiar in what she said, thought Harry. This was only the second time Hermione had ever bad-mouthed a teacher last time it was Umbridge.
�Well I hope you to have fun in Potions.� said Ron as he tried to muffle his laughter.
�Ya well, what do you have?� asked Harry angrily.
�Uh�� Said Ron as he pulled out his schedule. �I got� oh no, Divination!� groaned Ron. Usually Harry would have felt a rush of pity for Ron but Harry was still to upset about the idea of facing Snape.
�Well Harry we don�t want to be late.� Said Hermione in her usual tone, getting up from the table before she finished the Prophet. Harry followed suit and headed for potions. The Potions class looked different than usual instead of the usual fifty desks there were only five desks in the classroom. Harry took a seat next to Hermione and after a few minuets Justin Flinch-Fletchery and Ernie Macmillan entered the classroom. They all sat there in the silence waiting for the fifth student to enter, but Snape entered first.
�Welcome to NEWT Potions where you are to concoct Potions of extreme complexity, and effect. Only a very, very select few of you have been chosen to take part in this Potions level. If you make it through this course you are likely to end up with excellent careers, mainly because this course is one that many high honoured jobs require to qualify. Hmm lets see now�� said Snape as he reached down for the attendance sheet. �We seem to be missing one Draco Malfoy, oh well. Today we will begin our first Potion, Wolfsbane, which will take two weeks to make. The Directions are on the board, you may start now.�
For a change Snape wasn�t as cruel or as harsh as he usually was towards Harry, which was unusual. Half way through the class Harry had a question and when Snape answered it without raising his voice, in fact Snape was even courteous.

The rest of the day carried on without much exciting. All of the teachers explained how important NEWT�s were and they all gave them lots of homework. The day seemed to drag by with each teacher making longer and longer speeches about NEWT�s, Ron was sure that the teachers were in a competition of who could make the longest most boring speech.
Later in the common room it seemed that all of the 6th years were huddled to one end of the room groaning under the weight of their homework. Harry had just finished his Transfiguration assignment and Hermione was looking it over, when Harry picked up the Daily Prophet from that morning. Harry read deeper and deeper into the paper while Hermione corrected his paper, when something struck Harry.

After the Ministry seized the Malfoy estate yesterday, Narcissa Malfoy was found dead in Knockturn Alley with her throat slit and a bloody knife in her hands. It is believed that she committed suicide after realizing that she had no money to put her only son through Hogwarts. Her only Son Draco was told the dreadful news late last night while in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, for reasons unknown.
Albus Dumbledore graciously decided to keep Draco in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the agreement that Draco keep his grades up. Draco is to attend the funeral on September the 8th this Saturday. Due to the suddenness of the tragedy Draco is relived of all classes for the first week of school, and until the funeral is held.

Harry dropped the paper stunned. So that�s why Draco wasn�t in class this morning. Then for the first time in Harry�s life he felt sorry for Draco.
�Uh Hermione did you happen to read all of the Prophet this morning?� asked Harry
�No, Why? Is there anything interesting in there?� asked Hermione as she looked up from Harry�s homework. Harry tossed the paper into Hermione�s lap. Hermione read the article fast, and by the look on her face she was obviously surprised. They sat there stunned for a moment at the death of Mrs. Malfoy when Ron came down.
�What are you two looking so sad about?� asked Ron �What did you say to Hermione?� Asked Ron accusingly at Harry.
Hermione tossed the paper at Ron as she began to break into tears. After reading the article Ron went over to Hermione to comfort her. Hermione was sobbing lightly into Ron�s chest, then Ron raised her chin up and looked her straight in the eye. Harry could tell by the look on their faces that they were in love, and they would do anything for each other.
Harry sat there awkwardly as they Ron stopped just comforting her and began kissing her. After a few short kisses Hermione pulled her robes up to reveal her smooth long thighs as she hopped into Ron�s lap and they kissed deeper and more intimately.
�Uh� I�ll just be going to bed now.� Said Harry as Ron slipped his hands down onto Hermione�s ass, squeezing gently in a very sensual manner. Harry went up the stairs quickly and hopped into bed, He was glad that they were finally together and happy, they were perfect for one another.


The next week was a slow one, with much homework to do, and assignments due. By Friday Harry, Ron and Hermione were so bogged down with homework they could hardly breathe. Harry hadn�t seen Cho since they were on the Hogwarts Express. But the homework was not unbearable, after last year the homework didn�t surprise any of them. Friday night Harry sat in the common room late into the night with Ron and Hermione, discussing the future of the DA.
�Harry I�m not sure if we should continue with the DA.� Stated Hermione, who was now exhausted of the conversation.
�But you-know-who is still out there and we need to defend ourselves.� Said Ron.
�Yes, I know that Ron, but look at what we got into last year.� Said Hermione.
�What do you mean?� asked Ron.
�What I mean is that after all of that training from Harry we thought we could handle death eaters and save Sirius. We were too bigheaded about it we rushed into needless danger. And� well� it cost Sirius his life.� Said Hermione carefully not wanting to anger Harry.
�She�s got a point Harry.� Said Ron looking a little glum.
�None of what happened last June was your fault, in fact you were the least bigheaded about it Hermione. I was the bighead. If you weren�t trained from DA we would have never made it out of there.� Said Harry.
�Yes I know that Harry but if we weren�t trained in the DA then we never would have went in the first place.� Said Hermione.
�Well it really shouldn�t be up to me whether we keep going on with the DA. It should be up to all of the members.� Said Harry pausing for a moment. �I think we should meet somewhere next Hogsmeade weekend and discuss this as a DA, and not just the three of us.� Said Harry.
�Ya we could meet somewhere out of town so that no one overhears us like last time.� Suggested Ron.
�Yes, we could meet where we met Sirius on the way to his cave when he was in hiding.� Said Hermione now a little more enthusiastic to the plan.
�Well we can talk about it tomorrow, I�m off to bed.� Said Harry on the verge of yawning. And with that Harry went to sleep. Harry broke off early because he was going to need his energy for his Occlumency session with Dumbledore tomorrow. And he was sure Ron and Hermione were making out that very moment as Harry crawled into bed.


�Ah Harry, you�re early.� Called Dumbledore in his kind old voice. �Come in Come in, I trust you slept well.�
�Yes.� Said Harry as he took a seat across from Dumbledore. Dumbledore reached into his desk and pulled out a vial filled with a thick scarlet liquid. He pulled out the rubber stopper and handed the vial to Harry.
�I believe you know how to use that, go ahead.� Said Dumbledore.
�Um� what do I do with this?� asked Harry, eyeing the liquid suspiciously.
�Didn�t professor Snape ever give you this during you�re Occlumency lessons?� asked Dumbledore. Harry shook his head. �Well Harry that vile you�re holding contains a mind strengthening draught. It is used to strengthen minds for short periods of time, so that while we practice you won�t undergo such stress and pain. And it is very useful when first learning Occlumency. Well drink up and we�ll get started.� Said Dumbledore.
Harry drank the potion quickly, hoping not to taste it. But to Harry�s surprise the drink tasted much like mint, and Harry instantly felt its benefits. Harry felt like he was flying again, his mind was racing but clearly and with vivid detail. This must be like the drugs Dudley and his friend�s use thought Harry.
�Are you ready Harry?� asked Dumbledore.
  �Yes.� Replied Harry.
Legilimens.� Shouted Dumbledore, as his wand flew towards Harry�s face. Harry�s mind was filled with a quick image of Dudley shoving his head down a toilet, and then Harry focused. Almost instantly Harry was back in the room standing across from Dumbledore. 
�That was much better than I expected Harry. But you still hesitated to push me from you�re mind. Ready?� Said dumbledore. Harry nodded, focusing hard on closing his mind.
Legilimens.� Yelled dumbledore, his wand aimed at Harry�s face.
This time Harry didn�t even get a chance to see what memory of his appeared, for Harry was facing Dumbledore again before he could tell what the image was. Occlumency was easier now because his mind wasn�t always dwelling on thoughts of the Department of Mystery�s Harry�s mind was now clear.
�Much better Harry but not enough to stand against Voldemort. Let�s try again.� Said Dumbledore. Harry improved as the session went. But they had to stop for a few minuets every hour so that Harry could take more mind strengthening draught. By the end of the session Harry was hungry and lunchtime was approaching.
�Well Harry you improved much today, maybe next time you won�t need a mind draught. Well you best be off, I�m sure Ron and Hermione are wondering where you wandered off to.� And with that Harry left the office and went down to lunch.


Harry was sitting in the great hall peacefully enjoying his Ham and fried vegetables when Ron and Hermione came to the table.
�Well.� said Hermione in her short snappy manner as she sat down.
�Well what?� asked Harry.
�Where were you? What were you up to? Were you with Cho?� asked Hermione, continuing in her snappy manner.
�Occlumency lessons.� replied Harry blandly. �Need I ask what you and Ron were up to this morning, and last night, and the night before?� asked Harry. Ron ears turned red and Hermione�s lips went thin, Harry needn�t pursue the matter any longer.
�So did you figure out where we�re going to meet in Hogsmeade for the DA meeting?� asked Harry, changing the subject to avoid further embarrassment on Ron and Hermione�s part.
�We decided on the Three Broomsticks. There�s a large room in the back they rent out for parties and other occasions.� said Ron
�How much?� asked Harry.
�Its five bronze Knuts for one hour, that�s about all the time we�ll need.� said Hermione.
�When are we meeting?� asked Harry.
� �Bout noon.� replied Ron.
�Did you tell everyone about the meeting?� asked Harry.
�Everyone except for Cho and her friend, who you can tell.� said Hermione briskly. After that they stopped talking for a while. They sat there in peace eating silently. It was a very special silence.
Harry Ron and Hermione were now such close friends that they no longer needed to talk about bullshit in order to feel comfortable. They could just sit there eating in a comfortable silence and not even think about it. It was one of the rare things between their little trio that no one else really had.
�Well I reckon its time to get started on that Homework.� suggested Harry. With that they walked silently up the stairs to start on their homework. Which had reached a considerable height for a homework pile.


The first Hogsmeade weekend approached fast, faster than it usually did. A few days earlier Harry had told Cho who decided to invite her friend. Who was a seemed a little more enthusiastic about the DA this time around.
Harry was now riding in a carriage on the way to Hogsmeade with the last person he ever expected to be riding with. Cho was riding with her friend, because they planned on doing some shopping before they went to the meeting. Harry was not riding with Ron and Hermione, after all they needed privacy more than he did. Harry was now riding a carriage staring at the blonde greasy haired Draco Malfoy sitting opposite of him.
Draco�s hair seemed dishevelled and not as slicked back as it used to be. His eyes were no longer narrow and malicious; they were wide and almost tearful, yet alert. Over the past few weeks Draco seemed to have drifted farther and farther from his Slytherin pals, even Crabbe and Goyle detested him now. Crabbe was now to be found mouthing off Draco for being a sad whiny git in the halls every chance he got. And Harry felt sorry for him.
Harry knew what it was like to lose a family member, but Draco climbing into the same carriage as Harry was ridiculous. Draco sat there for a moment starring at the floor, he seemed afraid of Harry. Harry for the first little bit of the ride was glad, but as Harry continued to gaze upon Draco his gladness turned to guilt, which turned to sorrow.
�What�s the matter Draco, you don�t seem to be yourself lately.� Said Harry delicately not wanting to enrage Draco. Now Harry knew how everyone else felt when talking to Harry about Sirius, it was horrible. Harry�s stomach sank lower into his gut than it ever had before.
�Well�� Said Draco starting hesitantly. �I can�t help but blame my dad for what happened to my mum. If dad never got mixed up with you-know-who�s crowd then mum wouldn�t have died. And� well� the more I think about it the more it seems to be you-know-who�s fault. And since you�re the only person I know who has fought him I came to you.� Said Draco who looked like he was on the verge of tears.
�So what do you want to know?� asked Harry tentatively.
�Is it possible to kill V-V-Voldemort?� asked Draco hesitantly. Harry spent what seemed like an eternity thinking about the question. Harry could say yes but then Draco would go after Voldemort and that would be sending Draco to his death. Harry could say no but Draco would likely be so enraged that he�d kill Harry right there in the carriage. So Harry put in the best words he could.
�Why would you want to kill him? There are far worse things that can be done to him.� Said Harry. At this Draco rose his head up his eyes were now wide and alert with anxiousness of bottled up furry.
�Like what?� asked Draco feverously.
  �Like taking away his power and supporters and leaving him standing alone.� Said Harry
�What do you mean by that?� asked Draco.
�Well you could feed the ministry information on Voldemort�s movements through your dad and help the ministry bring him down. If Voldemort has no more supporters he is almost incapable of any evil. Plus he�ll be easier to kill when he isn�t surrounded by his death eaters.� Said Harry.
The carriage came to a jostling halt causing Draco to look around in worry. They both got out of the carriage and Draco started to walk away from Harry as fast as he could. Not wanting to be seen with his mortal enemy. Harry quickly caught Draco under the arm and pulled his face inches away from his.
�Don�t even think about going after Voldemort yourself. Too many people have lost their lives that way.� Said Harry in a harsh whisper, while tugging on Draco to keep him from getting away. �DON�T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.� Shouted Harry in Draco�s face. Draco paused with a shocked look on his face, then he continued to struggle against Harry�s grip.
Harry released Draco who ran from Harry as fast as he could. Harry then began a slow walk toward the three broomsticks. While Harry was walking along all he could think about was his conversation with Draco. It seemed so unlike him. The last thing Harry expected from him was the idea of trying to kill Voldemort.
Before Harry knew it he was in the back party room of three broomsticks with a large butterbeer in his hand. Harry flung his feet up on the table and sat there thinking.
What would Draco do next? Thought Harry as he sat quietly sipping his butterbeer. Before long people began to flood into the room and then the meeting started.


�A-hem.� Called Harry over the small crowd gathered around the table. The group slowly grew silent as all eyes were upon Harry. �We�re all here again to discuss whether or not to continue with the DA. So all in favour of continuing the DA raise your hands.� Said Harry as hands began to rise into the air. Everyone put their hands up even Hermione who did it rather hesitantly.
�Alright now that that�s settled I think we should figure out when we�re gonna meet.� Said Harry.
�Why don�t we just use the coins we all have?� asked Neville.
�Does everyone still have their coins?� asked Ron. Instantly everyone started searching their pockets, and the room was filled with the sound of clinking coins.
�Yep.� Said Ginny
�Yes.� Said Hannah Abbot
�Uh-huh.� Mumbled Ernie Macmillan. The general consensus was that everyone had their coins, and in turn everyone presented their coins.
�Well that�s all settled then we all have our coins we�ll meet at the same place we did last year. But our first meeting might not be for a week, I�ve got to find more things to teach you.� Said Harry, and it was true. After the Patronus charm there wasn�t much else that Harry could teach them. But after the particularly dreary summer Harry was going to show them a few tricks out of
The Dark Arts Outsmarted, which Harry had memorized.
With that the crowd slowly dispersed, but Hermione approached Harry at the end of the meeting. Obviously something was troubling her.
�Harry, I heard a rumour that you rode in a carriage here with Draco, is it true?� asked Hermione.
�Of course not, why would I ride with a silly git like Draco.� Stated Harry rhetorically. And with that Hermione gave Harry a quick smile and turned away to catch up with Ron, who was waiting silently.
At first Harry didn�t know why he lied, maybe Harry still felt sorry for Draco. But that wasn�t it. Harry lied to Hermione to save his own neck, if the DA members knew that Harry rode in the same carriage with Draco, he would be dead meat.
After some mindless wandering of the village Harry headed towards the carriages after the long day. At the carriages Cho caught up to him and they shared a carriage. In which they continued on with much of the same things they had done when they were in a carriage last time.


Harry was now sitting next to Ron in the great hall just finishing his supper when a light ringing came to his ears. Harry turned and saw Dumbledore standing at the staff table lightly rapping his spoon against his goblet.
�Attention everyone, the headmaster would like to make an announcement.� Called professor McGonnogal over the crowd. The crowd went silent no one expected a speech on an off dinner like this one. The speeches were usually for Halloween and Christmas not just an every day. All eyes were now on Dumbledore.
�As you all know Halloween is approaching, very rapidly. Yet there is a very special planned event for Halloween that you should be aware of. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students will be attending a Halloween Ball here in this very room one week from tonight. They are attending our Ball for reasons of International Magical cooperation, for those who stand united stand strong. There will be no Tri-Wizard tournament or anything of the sort. It is merely a gathering of students and staff under one roof.�
Dumbledore stopped here to let what he just said sink in. After a few moments chatter began to rise but Dumbledore cut the chatter off by continuing his speech.
�This Christmas we will be attending a similar ball at Beauxbatons school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And for Easter we will be doing the same at Durmstrang school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is why on your school lists you were asked to bring dress robes. That is all.�
With that Dumbledore sat down and continued his meal. The instant Dumbledore sat down the great hall burst with chatter. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny left because they couldn�t hear themselves three feet away. Harry was slightly behind the other three as they headed up the stairs chatting excitedly about the news. Ginny turned around to see where Harry was and looked concerned right away.
�Harry are you alright? You don�t looks so good. Harry?� asked Ginny as Ron and Hermione turned and looked at Harry.
A bright flash popped up into Harry�s view and the pain went through his body like there was no tomorrow. Harry fell rigid onto the floor and began twitching.
�HARRY!� shouted Ginny as Harry fell to the ground. Harry began to twitch more violently and blood began to seep out of his scar. Harry was trying as hard as he could to keep the vision out, but he couldn�t stand the pain Lord Voldemort was causing. He had caught Voldemort at a critical time, and now Voldemort was killing Harry with his mind.
Ginny�s frantic yells were the last thing Harry heard as he went face down into a pool of blood created by his scar. Harry�s mind was about to break asunder.
This is where the third chapter ends, If you would like to continue to the next chapter follow the link below. If you sould like a specially formated microsoft word version of the story or if you have any questions or comments just e-mail me at:              [email protected]                                                                                       
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