
We can all agree upon the fact that we need to use our limited water resources wisely, so the question becomes, what can be done to help save water?  Well there are a number of excellent steps that can be taken by individuals who want to help do their part to preserve the future of Florida. 


Xeriscape Landscaping

    Xeriscape landscaping is a technique used to save water through the planting of site appropriate plants, and an efficient watering system.  This method of landscaping requires lots of planning but when properly employed can save water resources and provide a beautiful landscape for your yard.  This often uses lots of mulch, turf only where necessary, and can result in a low level of maintenance.


Greywater Reuse

    Greywater reuse involves taking water that has been used for non toilet tasks like showering and then reusing it for other tasks such as watering a garden, or even flushing toilets, or other uses that do not require drinking quality water.  This can be a very effective means of conserving water in drought conditions, however when using this method one must be careful to take proper safety precautions with the greywater.



    This process involves taking salt or brackish water and purifying it so that it is suitable for human consumption.  There are a variety of processes that may be used to desalinate water but one of the most successful to this point is Ionics EDR.  This method is certainly not practical for individuals but when employed by a city or county it can be very effective at supplementing our precious groundwater resources. 


Dry Toilets

    This is a rather extreme step but for people who really care about their water resources it can be a viable option.  Actually it would be extremely effective if employed on a wider scale because over 30% of urban water usage is from the flushing of toilets.  An average family will contaminate 150,000 liters of water every year just by using flush toilets.  Therefore if people would be willing to use dry toilets it would certainly be a strong step for conservation.



    One of the best things we can do to conserve our precious water is to utilize rainwater as often as possible.  Rain seeps through the soil into what is known as the suficial aquifer, so if in central Florida use of the Floridan aquifer was supplemented for non drinking needs such as watering golf courses huge savings in water could be realized.

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