Better Than Ezra
Welcome to my new and improved interactive BTE page...
What makes it interactive? I don't know it just sounds good. I decided that my BTE page needed a little more than just my concert pics...
but I didn't know what to put on here. I think I'm going to have setlists, ticket stubs, roadtrip pics, my favorite ttoy guest guitarists, crazy ezralites I meet, and Llamas. I'm not sure about that yet... I'm workin on it though. If you have any ideas that do not include Llamas keep them to yourself.
Pics from the
Latest Concert
TTOY Guest
Travis W
Pics fromSt. Louis U with Ari Hest Coming Soon!
Ricky Kazenski
Blue Note Bobby
Some Guy
KG Rams Fan?
Random Ezralite Pics
Columbia March 03
Nashville / Atlanta Roadtrip Aug '02
Flyer from my first concert
Random Ticket Stubs
A Few Set Lists
Go ahead, print 'em out no one
will know the difference...
Is the new album ever coming out? Who knows?
When it does, it will be like a dream...
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