Updated Ky time in the U.S.A

The current mood of neohut2003@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
I Have some good news i most likly will be getting www.neohut.com but at this time i dont have it but i will most likely have it in a few hours and once i get it i will close this site and then put a link on the front page saying the site has move i will be adding more dolls and stuff to the new site and i do have some new dolls for the site and some of the stuff on my site right now will not be on the new Neo Hut becasue it is some thing i dont think are very good and you may think the same.

7/8/03-I sorry i have not been adding any thing i am working on my new site its called Neo Icons

7/4/03-I add Order Graphics(it lest you ask me to make you something from the list on that page and its free!!) I changed the left and right link bars a little.

7/2/03-I add 6 aim icon, 3 Diva Dolls, a Uni Neopet Maker and 1

Shop blogs/ Website blogs
(for the site Neopets)

7/1/03-I Add U.S.A Love & Big dolls! I Fixed The Male Doll maker. I Add 4 new Aim Icons and 4 Diva Dolls!

6/30/03-I Add Male Doll maker & What Ifs! I had no luck finding a place to hsot my dolls if u know a place then e-mail me at [email protected]

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