Natural Creations Online Shop

 herbs & essential oils silk screened t-shirts temporary tattoos  handmade soaps COMMING SOON! - hand crafted statues

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All soaps are hand made in small batches the "old fashioned" way using pure food grade vegetable oils in a cold process method. Each batch is then cut by hand and allowed to cure for a minimum of four weeks. This allows the soap to "mellow" and harden, for a mild and longer lasting bar of soap. There are no dyes, preservatives, petroleum products or detergents in these soaps.
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Our t-shirts are a blend of cotton and polyester, with colorful silk screened art work. Sizes large & x-large are available at this time.
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View our T-shirts
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herbs & essential oils
As there are five points on the pentangle, there are five main uses for herbs and essential oils:
  1. medicinal
  2. magical
  3. spiritual
  4. aroma therapeutic
  5. culinary
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Visit our skin art gallery and browse the many styles we offer. These are temporary tattoos, applied to you skin, with a wet wash cloth ( instructions included w/ each order). The skin art will stay visible for 3-4 days or can be remove with alcohol.
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