My Dog

I have a dog.  Her name is Snoopy.  We got her from a pound.  PLEASE, if you're going to get a pet, look in a pound first.  Dont go right to a breeder!  There are SO MANY animals out there deserving of a good home.  So help them!  All of the dogs my family has had have been from a pound.  And they are some of the most beautiful, friendly and kind animals you will ever meet.  So PLEASE, go to the pound first!
Okay, onto other issues.  Like, hmmm... my dog. 
Snoopy is quite odd.  Shes a normal looking Beagle, but shes quite crazy.  In fact, I do believe she is on crack. 
When it snows, she likes to pretend she is a snowplow, and ram her head through snowdrifts and pile the snow so she can jump in it.  Too bad she did that once to a monsterous snowbank that happened to be a car.  I hope the owner didn't notice the dent.  Ouch.
She also like to sleep in odd manners.  Like burrowing herself under blankets and pillows.  Its always odd to throw back your blankets to get in bed to find a dog waiting for you. 
She also HATES the taste of Pepto Bismol, and Buckleys Cough Medicine.  But shes too stupid to not lick the spoon clean. 
She eats like a shit-sucker.  Thats right, a shit-sucker.  Have you ever seen one of those big long vacuum things they empty the sewers with?  Well, thats a shit-sucker.  (Many thanks to my brother for that name)
It kinda heaves repeatedly, sucking everything up. 
Thats how my dog eats. 
She has an odd gas problem.  She can belch louder than my brother.  Which is some task, let me tell you.

So are you curious yet?  Do you want to see what she looks like?
Well, you're in luck.  This is Snoopy. 

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