why do people always want  "just a lil bit more" ?
hiiiiii again, whats new? y aren't ya sending me any e-mail? shame on u....but i guess ur busy too... i just like wasting my time on the internet, when i should be studying instead... i guess u could tell i've gotten a lot lazier...but hey i guess i deserved it. finally a break would be nice.

sooo many things would be nice...but they're not gonna happen really soon, but hey u gotta work for what u want i guess. and i have a lot of work left ahead of me...thats what u get for wanting so much...but i have no idea how i'm gonna get this all done as fast as i want to be done. so many things in so lil time.... i'm gonna go on overload on everything... thats the only way.

Well hey i always have time to read e-mails... i'll read e-mails instead of sleep if i don't have time...so don't think "no i won't send natalie any e-mail cuz she's too busy to read them...." u are vvvvvverrrrrryyyyyyyyy wrong.

hey i just noticed that i'm writing in green...its my fav color....maybe i'll do something with the background to match it...yup that looks good. do u like nature? i luv it. except i hate mosquitos.... but ohwell... u got to take the good with the bad i guess.....(am i using too many cliches? i hope not...and if i am tell me so that i can change it and make it better...and give me some suggestions ok???????????) great tnx!!!!!!

well for now just try to relax and focus on these great pics i got from
webshots. its really nice to see pics like these when ur a lil bit tired ... u can imagine ur somewhere peaceful where no one can find u....unless u want them to....and just lie down and look at the sky....oh now i wish i was there instead of here typing...ohwell.
maybe next time.
but somehow i think there's a probem with the pics...they don't always appear...well just to let u know..... if u see them then never mind, but if u don't, then tell me and i'll e-mail u them until i get the pics working on the website....k????????????
ok lots 'o luv..... and feel free to roam throughout the site...hey, thats y i put the counter on the first page! so make me feel good and visit it a lot..........but don't over do it.
Roaring River, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon
Snake River Sunset
Steep Ravine, Mount Tamalpais State Park, California
Sooooo, u never told me....do u like cherries?
What about strawberries?
more stuff to read...
even more....
Even Eistein had his problems...
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