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Please take into consideration the tiny dimension of this country while reading the following (10,452 km square)...


- 17 religious communities

- 40 daily newspapers

- 42 universities

- Over 100 banks

- 70% of the students are in private schools

- 40% of the Lebanese people are Christians (this is the highest % in all the Arab countries)

- There's 1 doctor/10Pol (in Europe & America there's 1 doctor/100Pol)

- The name LEBANON appears 75 times in the Old Testament

- The name CEDAR appears 75 times in the Old Testament!!

- The country was occupied by over 15 countries:
(Egyptians - Hittites - Assyrians - Babylonians - Persians - Alexander the great - The Roman Empire - Byzantine - The Arabian Peninsula - The Crusaders - The Ottoman Empire - Britain - France - Israel - Syria)

- There are 15 rivers in Lebanon (all of them coming from its mountains)

- Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt 7 times (this is why it's compared to the phoenix)

- There are 3,500,000 Lebanese in Lebanon

- There are 5,630,000 Lebanese outside Lebanon!!


- The Phoenicians created the 1st boat ever

- The 1st alphabet was created by Cadmus in Bibles

- The 1st law school was built in Lebanon

- Jesus Christ made his 1st miracle in Lebanon

- The name of the BIBLE comes from the name of our city BIBLES

- Bibles is the oldest city in the world

- Lebanon is the only Asian African country that does not have a desert

- Lebanon is one of the most populated countries in its archaeological sites in the world

- The only temple of Jupiter (the main Greek god) is in Baalbeck (the city of the sun)

- Lebanon is the only non-dictatorial country in the Arab world

- Phoenicians reached America long before Christopher Columbus

- Lebanon is the country that has the most books written about it

- People say that the cedars were planted by God's own hands (this is why they're called God's trees)

- Lebanon's name has been around for 4,000 years non-stop (it's the oldest nation's name in the world!)

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