No More - Toxins | Xenoestrogens | Synthetics

Be Toxic Free - Organic Food | Natural Cleaners | Bioidentical Hormones

There are many things you can do to eliminate toxins from your body & keep them out, but it takes persistance!
Toxins can cause hormonal imbalances, which may result in pms, migraines, fibroids, breast cysts, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, breast cancer, testicular cancer, etc.. For me, its fibroids & breast cysts.

Start to balance your hormones and purge body toxins by following the guidelines below.

Sherry A. Rogers M.D.

Calcium D-Glucarate

The Newest Breast Cancer Prevention

supercharge your body's estrogen detoxification pathway to get rid of these xenoestrogens more efficiently.

Article on preventing cancer with
Calcium D Glucarate
by Dr. Ward Bond. D-Glucarate inhibits cancer during all three stages of the disease:

Its nontoxic, even at very high dosages of 10 grams per day.
No side effects have been reported.

Overloaded with Estrogen?
Progestelle ?
A Natural Progesterone

versus prescription synthetics such as Provera? and Megestrol?
get 2 for 1 on your first order AND a copy of the book "Progestelle -Natural Progesterone Skin Oil" by Peter Eckhart, MD
Start balancing your hormones, order today!
Avoid Estrogenic Chemicals (Xenoestrogens)
The root cause of your estrogen dominance (too much estrogen) disease is xenoestrogens (chemicals that mimic estrogen).
Balance your hormones with bio-identical progesterone oil.

Are you consuming TONS OF ENZYMES but still have fibroids? Maybe you are not getting enough

Some fibroids, especially older ones, develop a calcium coating which can get in the way of enzymes trying to dissolve the fibrin within.

Magnesium, when taken alone without calcium, can help to remove the calcification of uterine fibroid tumors. more...

Have you heard that eating cruciferous veggies can help with estrogen dominance but HATE BROCCOLI?

Try DIM instead.
Its made from these veggies but so much easier to consume.

Many doctors prefer DIM over I3C, but Dr. Elizabeth Smith prefers I3C

Here is an interesting discussion between fibroid sufferers about
Brevail (flaxseed) and
Neprinol (enzymes
nattokinase and serrapeptase)

Which is better for me,
Dim or Indol-3-Carbinol?

Dr Jonathan Wright says
Potassium Iodide
reduces the size of fibroids.

Walking may not be enough

Those who exercised for 7 hours or more weekly had a 40 percent lower fibroid risk than those who exercised for less than 2 hours a week. Women who reported at least 4 hours of vigorous exercise weekly were less likely to develop tumors than those who exercised less.

Belly Dance
your way to womb health
These women have experienced reduced menstral cramps, shrinking fibroids and an increase in fertility thru belly dancing!
In less than 2 years there were 10 babies born to women taking this dancing class, whose doctors said they couldnt get pregnant because of fibroids or endo!!!

Do Anti-Perspirants cause Breast Cancer?

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Ecclesiastes 4:9
Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor.

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Psalm 46:10 Be silent, and know that I am God!
God wants to speak to all who take the time to listen. Finding that quiet space, silencing all the noise within us is so very difficult, but its worth it.
Spend time every day listening to God.
He has a plan for each of us.

John Wayne and
Elvis Presley
had impacted fecal matter in their body at the time of their death
True or False?

Was Elvis' toxic
buildup due to
diet or
prescription drugs?

Spoofcard, fake you caller ID

Some claim Reiki
healed their fibroids.

What Is Reiki?

A Reiki Story

Another fibroid cure using Reiki

Another healing story using many natural remedies

1 Peter 5:7-9 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.

Click to View our Great Selection of Van Gogh Oil Paintings

Nations fall and nations rise on account of their relationship to Israel.

Were Sept 11, Hurricane Katrina and other USA disastors
Warnings from God?

Tired of bugs & weeds in your garden?
Try growing an organic Hydroponic garden!

Hydroponic Equipment at

Do you believe in
Near Death Experiences?
Howard Storm
didnt either until he had one. He followed evil beings into a hazy darkness until he prayed & was saved...

Can water fasting really shrink fibroids? This doctor says yes & has several ladies who either fasted, or switched to a veggie diet & no longer need surgery...

Fake your caller ID. Have any number appear on the caller ID of the person you are calling. Plus free voice changer and call recording. Instant Access!

Are you consuming TONS OF ENZYMES but still have fibroids? Maybe you are not getting enough

Some fibroids, especially older ones, develop a calcium coating which can get in the way of enzymes trying to dissolve the fibrin within.

Magnesium, when taken alone without calcium, can help to remove the calcification of uterine fibroid tumors. more... - Handmade oil paintings
Woman with a Parasol

Test your Hormone Levels
Dr. John R Lee, author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, has saliva hormone test kits on his website. You may want to take the Hormone Balance Test to see if you have any symptoms of hormonal imbalance. It will help you see which hormones may be out of balance & which test kits to order.

Dr. Mercola, from feels it is FAR MORE IMPORTANT to work to normalize the adrenal hormones first, such as DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone. Once the adrenal hormones are balanced, the progesterone levels will frequently normalize and one will not require any progesterone cream. The wonderful thing about adrenal normalization is that it usually only takes 3-6 months to balance these hormones. Once they are balanced, one usually does not require any hormone supplements to keep them balanced.

Use Natural Cosmetics & Lotions
Dr. Peter Eckhart feels very strongly that many of our hormonal problems are a result of what we put on our skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body & is like a huge sponge. In contrast, an oral dose may be 90% filtered out throught the liver. Thus the skin dose is 10 times the oral dose. Always check the label on your creams, lotions, shampoos & cosmetics for parabens - (Methyl, Ethyl, Propyl, Butyl). These arrrrre preservatives and are usually one of the last ingredients listed. Dr. Eckhart recommends Conti Castile bar soap for shampoo and body soap.

Don't forget your deodorant! If you cant even pronounce some of the ingredients in your deodorant, you may want to consider switching to a mineral crystal, like Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal. It works. There is no aluminum, no parabens, no propylene glycol and it doesn't stain.

Avoid parabens at all costs, they are endocrine disruptors and are one of the culprets in keeping female hormones out of balance.

Check out Linda Chae's website on more untouchables (ingredients in common cosmetics & lotions to avoid).

If you are using lotions from the health food store, make sure they don't contain sage, rosemary or chamomile.

Eat Organic or Natural Foods when possible
Many of the meats available in supermarkets today were injected with growth hormones to produce more meat or milk. If the animals were caged & not allowed to roam free, they were standing around in their own poop, so they were also injected with antibiotics. Evidence shows that these chemicals get stored in the animals fat cells for months or even years.

Much of the produce in grocery stores has been sprayed with toxic pesticides, unless they are labeled Organic. Many of the pesticides found in 100% of CDC test subjects who had both blood & urine tested have been linked to serious short- and long-term health effects including infertility, birth defects and childhood and adult cancer. Read the full story

From the January 16, 2006, Baseline of Health Newsletter Dr Jon Barrons article on Defending Meat

Switch to a Natural Laundry Detergent, or a Laundry Detergent Substitute
Laundry detergent cannot be fully washed from clothes and is absorbed directly through the skin. Do Not use dryer sheets or fabric softener.

Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap is what I buy from my grocery store - organic & biodegradable.

Dr. Eckhart recommends powdered Nature Clean laundry detergent (254)776-4878

According to the Book "Progestelle, -Natural Progesterone Skin Oil" by Peter Eckhart, MD, in 2004, 42% of the male bass in the Potomac river near Washington DC are producing eggs. These hermaphrodite bass are being affected by xenoestrogens in the water. In another example, Oct. 2004, Platte River in Colorado, White Sucker fish are 9 to 1 female to male ratio with 10% hermaphrodites (1/2 male and 1/2 female) below the sewage outfall. Above the sewage outfall, the male to female ratio is 1 to 1 female to male. Laundry detergent is thought to play a role in hormone disruption. Laundry detergent added to aquarium male trout made them female.

The hallmark of estrogen dominance (excess estrogen) is bloating before the period and cyclical breast tenderness. This is NOT normal, but is now common.

Update 3-8-2009 My laundry detergent substitute is no detergent at all. I have just started washing my clothes with the BioWashBall
- no detergent and no residue. Better for me and for the planet. The best part is it lasts for 3 years and is under $35.00. Its saving me money too!!!!

Do Not Use Pesticides or Herbicides
Pesticides can have an impact on the brain and central nervous system. Reproductive problems linked with pesticide exposure include birth defects, stillbirth, miscarriage, and infertility. The problems for a developing fetus are particularly pronounced during the first trimester of pregnancy. Many pesticides are xenoestrogens -- compounds that resemble the natural female sex hormone, estrogen. Xenoestrogens are a risk factor for cancer.Try using natural products like Cedarcide or Fosters SOS or at least less toxic products like boric acid powder.

Use Natural Progesterone to Balance your Hormones
After determining your hormones are out of balance, if you are estrogen dominant, and/or have low progesterone, you may consider supplementing with bioidentical progesterone. But only long enough to get your system in balance.

Dr. Eckhart recommends taking Progestelle to balance the hormones. Progestelle is simply coconut oil and Natural Progesterone. Do you the know truth about coconut oil? Its actually the healthiest oil you can consume!

John Lee, MD writes in his Medical Letters:

"We have clear clinical evidence of a correlation between natural hormone replacement (NHRT-Natural Progesterone) and breast cancer prevention. In ten years of prescribing NHRT, not a single patient of mine on NHRT has developed a new case of breast cancer. In addition, I continually survey doctors who prescribe NHRT as well as my newsletter readers, and out of thousands of those surveyed, I have only found four who had been using NHRT for more than a few months who had breast cancer: all of them were using or had used excessively high doses of estrogen."

The normal incidence of breast cancer in the USA, as of 2003, is 1 out of 8 women. As of 2004, parts of California, in Marin County have a breast cancer rate of 1 out of 7 women. This translates to 125 women with breast cancer out of 1000. Natural Progesterone is NOT the same as the prescription progestins that your doctor gives you such as Provera or Megestrol. See See Progestins for more information.

Use Safer Household Cleaning Products
by Don Eby, President of The Clean Environment Company,

The household chemicals we use have until recently been considered to be relatively safe. We are now discovering that this can be far from the truth.

The cleaning products used in most homes can cause indoor air quality problems, possible severe chemical burns and other health problems from ingestion or absorption.

A recent EPA report concluded that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air pollution. The fumes you smell from many cleaning products likely are harmful in some way. In one study conducted over a 15 year period, women who worked at home had a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who had jobs away from the home. The study concluded that the increased death rate was due to daily exposure to hazardous chemicals found in ordinary household products. The children in the house are more likely to be affected than adults because they are closer to the floors where much of the fumes come from and they are still growing so use more of what they are exposed to.

You do not have to take these chances. There are products on the market today which are much safer to use and yet are just as effective. These products are also safer for the environment outside of the home. They are usually readily biodegradable and contain no toxic ingredients like benzene, butyl carbitol, chlorine and formaldehyde. These products will work as effectively as their toxic competitors without the bad side effects.

You can get all purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, glass cleaners, dishwashing detergents, laundry detergents, etc. in safer products that will greatly reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. As the public demand grows, more of these products will begin to appear on the grocery store shelves and in the discount stores. In the meantime you will have to go to a little more effort to obtain these products, but it could be time well spent for your health.

This is the body's way of detoxing, or ridding itself of unwanted toxins. Toxins are stored in the liver or fat cells. The more fat you have, the more storage available for all these toxins. Get rid of the fat & you will release these toxins to be expelled.

Try an hour with the Lord every morning - 20 minutes praying, 20 minutes reading the Bible & 20 minutes exercising. Start walking away from your home and after 10 minutes or so, turn around & head back. You'll be exercising your mind, soul & body for an hour - easy. While you walk, you can have more daily prayer. God is so awesome, let him know how you feel. Back to getting rid of toxins, when you start to loose the fat, the toxins are released & circulate in the body. Before being expelled from the body, you may feel sick, headaches, nausea, flu like symptoms. Its just the toxins getting kicked out. Just hang in there! You get this same feeling when you are ridding your body of candida.

Exercise is so beneficial to the body. JUST DO IT!

Say No To Fluoride
The fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid which is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing.

Such fluoride is manmade. In this form, fluoride has no nutrient value whatsoever. It is one of the most caustic of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. full story

Fasting and Prayer
Fasting gets rid of toxins & Prayer is communication with our Lord, which he loves! Do you have time for God in your everyday life? He has a plan for you, don't you want to know what that plan is? Communion with God Ministries will give you tips on hearing God.
1)Still your own voice
2)Look for Jesus in a vision
3)Tune into the spontaneous thoughts
4)Very Important!Write down the spontaneous thoughts! Don't think about it, don't analyze them, just write them down

Morningstar Ministries says many people have noticed that the Bible simply comes alive while they are fasting.

My favorite fast is the Lemonade Fast to help rid toxins. The book is actually here. Basically its 2Tbl lemon juice, 2Tbl GRADE B mable syrup (Grade B has more nutrients) a cup of pure water and a shake of cayenne pepper. According to the book, lemons and limes are the richest source of vitamins & minerals. Grade B maple syrup is also high in minerals and vitamins and is a balanced form of positive and negative sugar. The cayenne pepper breaks up mucus.

If you are eating junk food, your system could use a good cleaning!

Don't Heat Food in Plastic Containers
Phthalates are added to plastics to make them softer, flexible & less brittle and are known environmental contaminants that can exhibit hormone-like behavior by acting as endocrine disruptors in humans and animals. If you heat up food in plastics, including plastic wrap in the microwave, you could increase the leaching of phthalates from the containers into water and food. It has been suggested that Endocrine disruptors cause the following in humans -
reductions in male fertility,
abnormalities in male reproductive organs,
female reproductive diseases,
earlier puberty,
and declines in the numbers of males born

Say no to Coffee
Drinking more than two cups of coffee daily may boost estrogen levels in women and could worsen conditions such as endometriosis and breast pain.

According to the researchers, women who drank the most coffee had higher levels of estradiol, a naturally occurring form of estrogen, during the early follicular phase, or days 1 to 5 of the menstrual cycle.

Higher estrogen levels would not be beneficial for women who for example have endometriosis, breast pain and family histories of breast or ovarian cancer, especially arising premenopausally. full story

Uterine Fibroids are thought to occur when there is a hormonal imbalance. From my own experience, I have had large lemon size fibroids for years. If you press on your stomach (ladies) near & below the navel, see if you feel anything unusual. If there are growths or nodules, those may be fibroids on the outside of the uterus. Mine were on the inside, (my doctors told me about those) and the outside.Several doctors have recommended a hysterectomy, which I refuse & usually change doctors.

I used Progestelle to balance my hormones & Vitalzym to disolve my fibroids. Before I was using the Vitalzym, I could feel the external fibroids - THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! They weren't painful unless I wore tight clothes. I was just annoyed that none of my doctors would tell me how to treat them NATURALLY! Now I don't feel any fibroids, but my doctor says my uterus is still pretty thick, so I am staying on the Vitalzym until I see my doctor on the anual exam, unless I have a flat tummy again (thats what I'm hoping for). I have also started taking Indole-3-Carbinol

There is much more info from other fibroid sufferers at the Vitalzym Message Board

Vitalzym vs Zymitol vs ZymEssence
Patrick Buehl, the developer of Vitalzym left World Nutrition and formed his company Generation Plus because he wanted to develop products without excipients (those "other" ingredients) we so often see listed on our natural health products. We now have a choice of Vitalzym, or his new enzyme formula Zymitol - free from non active or other ingredients. Zymitol contains everything that Vitalzym contains, with two exceptions. Instead of amla it has Fulvic Acid (ALA) and it also has the addition of MSM. Vitalzym's "other ingredients" include titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate, which Zymitol does not have. I'll be ordering Zymitol from now on. If you have tried Zymitol & have any comments on it, please let me know! [email protected]

UPDATE - I have now changed to ZymEssence Dr Wong use to recommend Vitalzym, he said it worked better for him than Zymitol, but now he has formulated his own enzyme capsule AND I only have to take 3 pills a day instead of 30!!! They are much stronger and much more affordable... Thanks Dr. Wong!!!

Dr Wong On Fibrovan
I emailed Dr Wong and asked him what his opinion is on Fibrovan for women with fibroids - his reply was That product is meant for menopause not fighting fibroids. Estrogen causes fibroids to grow. Which makes so much since - Nattokinase, a Fibrovan ingredient, is made from soy which is estrogenic!

Another woman emailed him & asked why he prescribed natto (the main ingredient in fibrovan)for heart conditions and not for fibroids and endo. Here is his answer: There are some proteolytic enzymes that have a feed back mechanism to know when to stop lysing fibrin from the blood, the natto does not have that mechanism. The action of natto is very specific to blood proteins. Taking natto in doses sufficient to lyse away a fibroid or lower inflamation will overly thin the blood. He claims to know two doctors who have attested to having patients with hemorage problems after taking natto.

I have also ordered Calcium D Glucarate to expel xenoestrognes and
Peruvian MACA, an adaptogenic herb, to naturally balance my hormones. According to Elizabeth Smith, MD, Maca seems to be able to block xenoestrogens, and is helpful to use with natural progesterone in uterine fibromas that are resistant to natural progesterone alone.

Read MACA testimonials from actual users who have experienced relief from

hot flashes
low energy
foggy brain
thyroid problems
irregular menstrual cycles
(MACA produces LH in women & increases sperm count in men)
much more...

I like the above testimonials from but if you are looking to purchase Maca, I would go with the maca at Peruvian MACA
A 1 lb bag from Peruvian is about $10 cheaper than Ahealthya.

Great Recipe for Maca Brownies
with coconut, dark chocolate, Kahlua, so yummy!

I am also watching EVERYTHING that goes on my skin.

READ ALL LABELS & use only natural products, with NO PARABENS. I use Dr. Bronner's organic Pure-Castile bar soap from any health food store.

Think about what touches your skin everyday. Not just the lotions & soaps, but what were those sheets or pajamas washed with? Or if you are lucky, what does that naked guy sleeping next to you put on his skin? Have you hugged someone wearing entirely too much cologne/perfume (loaded with phthalates!)? When Dr. Eckhart (from asked me to list what I put on my skin everyday, I was shocked when he emailed me back saying NO to Dr Bronners because of the Rosemary & NO to the Neem cream because of the chamomile! I had no idea such natural ingredients could cause problems too! I checked the label of the Peppermint Dr Bronners & it contains NO Rosemary. Its my favorite.

I have also just started washing my clothes with the BioWashBall
- no detergent and no residue. Better for me and for the planet

-Natalie Z

Got Mercury?
If you eat a lot of fish, you are most likely concerned about mercury levels. Dr. Mercola recommends Cilantro, to pull the stored mercury out of your tissues, and Chlorella to keep it moving on out the stool. The chlorella will thoroughly coat your intestine and bind like a sponge to any mercury that his detox program liberates into the gut.

In the free book by Dr. Jon Barron, on the bottom of page 106 & the top of page 107 is a recipe for Cilantro Pesto that is wonderful! He also mentions how Cilantro removes heavy metals such as Aluminum, Lead and Mercury from the body and how Malic Acid from apples is useful in removing aluminum from the body (p 107).

Here is Dr. Mercola's safe fish list:
Summer Flounder
Wild Pacific Salmon

The Basics

Drink plenty of water

Eat raw garlic at least once a day, mixed with food or cut into small pieces & taken like a pill

Take an acidophilus tablet once or twice a day, away from food. You could eat unsweetened yogurt, it has some of the same cultures in it

Green Tea - the more I research this particular green tea, the more I really like it!

Green Tea is excellent way to support the immune system, help the body maintain its toxin-free condition, promote healthy blood sugar balance, support a healthy cardiovascular system plus much more! HerbaGreen Tea is a much more convenient source of healthful antioxidants for a busy lifestyle than clumsy, messy tea bags. Just add a single dropper into your water bottle and enjoy while working out, walking, or on the go... No refrigeration necessary and its organic!

HerbaGreen Tea contains 90% polyphenols, 50% of which are EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). Lotus leaf is rich in isoflavones. Kudzu helps to open the blood vessels and get the ingredients where they can be active. Lo Han and Stevia provide a balancing and moistening effect on internal organs.

My thoughts on this are that this particular green tea sounds like a welcome addition to any diet, except for the Lotus isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are estrogenic & I am really going out of my way to block all external estrogens from entering my body. I emailed HerbaSway my concerns and below is their response:

These are only isoflavones and not Soy isoflavones. Soy isoflavones definitely have an effect on estrogen. Isoflavones from lotus are estrogen regulators. If your estrogen is too high then they affect your receptors and lower the estrogen and if the estrogen level is too low then they cause the receptors to accept more estrogen. How much do I love this tea!

NO SUGAR! It breaks down collagen causing wrinkles & makes you look old! As well as feeding candida & cancer!

Check your ph level everyday. An acid alkaline imbalance is an invitation for desease. Notice which foods are acidic & which are alkaline near the bottom of the ph page.

Drink 3 teaspoons of Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a glass of pure water and a spoonful of honey or HerbaGreen Tea , they both have amazing health benefits. The vinegar can be found at most health food stores.


If you follow the guidelines on this page & still have problems, you may need to destress.

What consumes your thoughts?

Do you laugh out loud during the day? At all?

Do you spend time with your kids/spouse & actually listen to whats going on in their lives?

If you are focused on yourself, your problems, a job you hate, a relationship that ended badly - you may need to change your focus. If there is someone in your past you are still mad at, FORGIVE THEM.

If there is something you did wrong, FORGIVE YOURSELF.

Stress is a major factor in many illnesses. Take a vacation & find a way to let it go...

If you are a Christian, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how. Also, 1Peter 5:7 says to Cast Your Cares. So give it to God. Ask him to take care of it & TRUST that he will.

Also try EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique. Basically you tap on several different energy points on your own body to release negative energy. Its free, its easy and its worth a try.

You CAN Control Your Immune System

I am currently using a method to control my own immune system called Immunics

You start out by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then you say, either out loud or to yourself:

I am connecting to my ability to control my immune system.

Then the most amazing thing happens (not always right away. It takes some people a few hours & some people a few days - remember you must be relaxed) Your body responds & gives you a signal. According to the Immunics website, most people get a signal in their hands - a surge of energy or a finger twitch. This is a yes signal. The lack of a signal means the answer is NO.
My signal is in my toes, but I have to be relaxed & not walking. I also have to have no expectations of what I want the answer to be. I have to more or less be thinking -
"Is it a yes or is it a no?".
Ok, for you skeptics, this sounds loony tunes, I agree. But I AM GETTING A SIGNAL!!!

ok, once you get your signal, tell your body to start clearing out anything that is not supposed to be there.

I am removing all pathologies from all of my bodies.

When you get a signal (or you stop getting a yes signal as in my case) - then it is done, but test to be sure

I wont go into all the details, but you can get much more information here Immunics Start-up txt version Unfortunately, the list of pathologies and the list of Immune Dysfuctions is not of the free part of Immunics. I love all the information on this site & its well worth the small price to see it all... I start out my day saying:

I am removing all Pathologies from all of my bodies

I am remvoing all Immune Dysfunctions from all of my bodies

I am removing all Toxins from all of my bodies

I am removing all Xenoestrogens from all of my bodies

I am balancing all my hormones in all of my bodies

I am adjusting all my Chakras to operate at full function

I am adjusting all my Meridians to operate at full function

These last 2 are to remove any energy blocks. Then finally I get to

I am removing (or disolving) all fibroids from all of my bodies

Update - this has now been changed to
I am now removing all uterine conditions from all of my bodies

Keely Stahl, one of the Immunics Teachers, removed her fibroids with this method. It took several months, if I remember correctly.

Since I have watched my diet, changed to natural cleaners & am taking LOTS of enzymes to disolve my fibroids - they KEEP COMING BACK. My next step is to do a kidney cleanse as recommended by Hulda Clark, as well as a liver cleanse. I was really hoping to avoid the liver cleanse, but I feel like that is what I need to do. Maybe this is the year... - Handmade oil paintings20" X 24" Oil Painting On Canvas
This is a remarkable oil painting with exceptional use of color, detail and brush strokes. Edward Potthast was among the best of the American Impressionist painters, popular and successful, who was strongly influenced by French Impressionism.

Is Your Body
Iodine Deficent?

Iodine consumption by Americans has dropped 50% since the 1970s as breast cancer rates have risen. In the US Goiter Belt, where iodine in the soil is lower, breast cancer is higher. For more info, check out

Some patients taking iodine report a range of non-breast improvements such as:
change in thyroid status,
need for less thyroid medication,
weight loss,
ovarian cysts resolving,
fibroids shrinking,
improved energy, mood and mental clarity.

Are you taking IODORAL yet? Look into it today!!!

Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It

by David Brownstein, MD, Third Edition

Does your body have enough iodine? Take the IODINE PATCH TEST and find out. Most people are iodine deficient. The first time I did the patch test, my body absorbed the all iodine I had put on my skin within 2 hours.

Read what others are saying about iodine
and LUGOLS - Handmade oil paintings
La Grande Famille
Rene Magritte

save yourself
save the planet

BioWashBall 2

clean your clothes without using ANY detergent?

awesome concept!!!

Bio WashBall
3 years of laundry for only

save money
save the planet
its a win-win

Proverbs 16:3 Trust your work to the Lord, and your plans will work out well.


I have it all planned out --plans to take care of you, not abandonn yyyyyou, plans to give you the future you hope for.
When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen.
When you come looking for me, you'll find me.
Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed.
GOD's Decree

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track.

1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God,
for he cares about what happens to you.

Ecclesiastes 5:19 And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life --that is indeed a gift from God

Isaiah 58:11 The LORD will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Everything you think you own actually belongs to God. Are you giving back to him what you owe him? If not your finances may be cursed!

Malachi 3:9-12 You are under a curse?the whole nation of you?because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty.


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The Wonder Book of Bible Stories Compiled by Logan Marshall
from Public Domain.
Bible stories are great to read to your children, or anyone for that matter.

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Copyright ? 2007 No More Toxins - Xenoestrogens | Synthetics
Be Toxic Free - Organic Food | Natural Cleansers | Bioidentical Progesterone

I am not a doctor, but I have been to many doctors and have seen many different gynecologists
who wanted to either put me on drugs, or yank out my uterus - neither choice was acceptable...

So I began researching on my own from natural doctors on the web.
The above information is what I have found. So Far...

When I feel I have healed my uterus & slack off from the above recommendations, the fibroids return.
I find I must keep the stress down & almost become a vegan to get control again.
If it gets really bad, I do a water/grapefruit juice fast for 10 days. That really helps to detox.
Then I eat mostly organic food, with cold water fish the only meat consumed.
Sometimes I wonder if its worth it.

[email protected]
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