Friend's Quotes
Nic : " But you call him God, thats not his name, he doesn't like being called that."
Chez : "How'd you know?"
Nic : "He told me!!!"
Chez : "I did nicole's coz i sed be a walrus coz then you can say I AM THE WALRUS!!!"
Chez : "Therez rich tea out there."
Lea : "Why don't you get them then?"
Chez (with a cackle) :  "But their not as Nice!!!" *whilst pointing at a nice biscuit*
Natg : "Let's get some muffins!!!"
Soph : "Yeah lets go to Tesco!!!"
Chez : "I like Sven Goran Eriksons Head!!!"
Lea : "no no no no no no no no, we got enough coke!!!"
Lea : "I milked a donkey!!!"
Chez : "Crumbs!!!"
Natc : "Doesn't that take the biscuit!!!"
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